
Goodness I finally found the sauce! I've watched a clip of this anime in fb, but unfortunately I wasn't able to know its title. I tried to search for it but I somehow forgot it along the way (lol memory gap strikes!)

I'm not sure if this is important to mention but there's not much fan service and if there was, it's not really overbearing to the eyes that it distracts you from the plot

Yoi! I must really watch this one. Thanks for sharing btw.

I’m not big into Yakuza media most of the time but this was just pure mad fun. When I saw it on both a Best of Year and Trashiest Show of the Season list from a content creator I follow, it made me chuckle. 😎

Best of Year and Trashiest Show of the Season list

I read this and automatically agreed without question. It was the best of its kind but so great compared to shows released on the same season.

Added to my list! 😁 Looking forward to watching this Anime.

As soon as I get some time I will definitely try to start watching it.

I loved this anime! It surprised me several times, it's very curious, funny and exciting. I was very satisfied with the ending, it was also the first time I saw representation of my country in an anime haha (The episode with the Venezuelan baseball players)👋🏻

It had its moments, definitely one of those shows I would think about whenever the maid word is brought up on in anime.

Oinky Donk cafe...

From the name itself, you should know something's fishy😂😂

this anime is the perfect example of how things are never what they seem and you can get a complete surprise, I remember I only saw the first chapter but the truth is that it was crazy and I was thinking what the hell just happened and how did it go from maid to something so bloody hahaha, I think I'll try to watch the whole thing this time if I have more time :D

Episodes can seem disjointed but interconnected which is the part I love about the storytelling.

hello... I love this anime, it's among one of my favorites, when I saw it on air, I didn't expect it to be the craziness that it was.

There is a curious fact and something that almost nobody knows, is that when Venezuelans are playing baseball and the one who is batting says ¨Naguara¨ that has no translation, because it is an expression and it is not from all Venezuela, only from one state is where I live. to the other states it stuck jajajajaja

I learned something new just from this. It hits different when you got some representation from a show you watch. Each episode comes as a surprise as the previous one.

I honestly watched this anime without expecting anything at all and ended up surprised, due to the absurd plot, with dark humour and a lot of violence. It was also unpredictable; anything could happen in any episode. My favourite part is when the Venezuelans appear, and without a doubt, the best character is Ranko.

My favourite part is when the Venezuelans appear, and without a doubt

I'm seeing a recurring them about Venezuelans being represented on one episode, I didn't know about Naguara and just slipped my mind about the representation part. Yeah, Ranko was best girl.