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RE: Chrollo Lucilfer: A Villain Hated and Loved by Many [ENG/ESP]

in The Anime Realm2 months ago

I watched this show and still couldn't get Lucifer to be that remarkable compared to the other villains in anime. Sure, he has the spotlight, imposing and presence as a leader and antagonist in Hunter X Hunter, but not as intimidating as Hisoka. While Kurapika's hate is understandable, I still can't get behind the revenge because I'm not as invested with Kurapika's past. Had Kurapika's arc been explored like some emotional backstory, I probably got more kick out of Lucifer being sinister for taking those precious to Kurapika away.


The detail is that Kuroro is not a main villain, but of a specific arc, maybe that's why he is not seen as someone very prominent compared to villains of other anime. And yes, I agree with what you say about Hisoka, however, Hisoka is not a villain as such, he is just a ruthless character with his rivals but he has very high ideals, for him to be the strongest and defeat the strongest is his "purpose" so to speak.