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RE: To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts Anime Review

in The Anime Realm3 years ago

I guess if you're deriving a kind of pleasure from being sadomasochistic or being able to criticise the hell out of it then it's fine? XD

I didn't know sunk cost fallacy was the term but I like that I got a term for this bad habit. It's been a love and hate feeling where sometimes sticking around pays off as the show gets better or it just sinks like expected. Sometimes I'm just after the catharsis, finally it's done and I can move on now from the shitty show.

Why can't you start what you want to finish? :D

Self sabotage and perfectionism, living inside my own head and I'm aware of it like the elephant in the room. I got a lot of projects in mind but it always ends up with me doubting whether I can finish it or if it's good enough. I know the cure but not ready to put in the work. This is my curse to myself, I don't like it but as it persists it feels like I am my own cosmic sadist.


The perfectionism thing got me for quite a while. Then I figured, I'll just do it now and fix it later when I'm better.

"later" was sooner than I thought when I was in the fast improvement phase, now I have til much later XD

If you want it just go and you'll get there eventually even if you have to make a few interesting stops along the way :)

I consciously do the wrong things to make it worse and then self loathe, trying to turn my life around by blogging. The conscious act of blogging ties my motivation to write and sketch so I got that going which is nice.

Well you know so that's a good start ;D and even better with the blogging helping the writing and sketching, now the rest should follow :)