Gantz is a manga with a very original storyline [ENG/ESP]

in The Anime Realm18 days ago

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In a world as dynamic as manga is, where thousands of publications are made annually, it is difficult to find originality, because it is very common to find "copies" or works inspired by other already famous mangakas, which although it seems unethical is a very common practice.

Creating something new is never easy, or at least different from the rest in most of its content, there are always details that connect a story with others already published, however, the more I analyze the Gantz manga, the more I convince myself of its originality.

It is very possible that its story has aspects of others but it is definitely very peculiar, unique in its style, that's how I have catalogued it because it has a mixture of really different elements that combine to give shape to a work of art.

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Each character, their individuality, and the context of the plot show us how a common problem can be approached from different perspectives. There are those who seek the welfare of all, there are those who do not understand what is going on and there are others who only care about surviving at all costs, even betraying their comrades.

It is a very complete story and it is not for children, not even in the anime because there are explicit sexual scenes and as for the blood, the dismemberment, it is also something to consider for the little ones. Touching this topic of the anime was very little what they adapted but it served as a push to see the manga, at least in my case it was like that, I did not know anything about manga at that time, and after seeing the adaptation I was eager for more, so after some time I could read the complete manga and I was amazed with its story.


When I say that it has everything I am not exaggerating at all, it really has many elements, drama, romance, eroticism, action, horror, gore, mystery, etc., its mangaka Hiroya Oku was in charge of mixing all these genres very well. The plot of Gantz is apocalyptic, where survival is, let's say, the main goal of humanity, but let's not fool ourselves, not only humanity, but also other "alien species" that in this case would be the antagonists of the series.

I really would have loved to see it completely adapted, I understand there was a live action but I haven't seen it, so I can't say much about it, but the CGI animated movie they made was spectacular, faithful to the original manga in its context, although with some acceptable changes, but definitely very good.

The characters of Gantz are very special, Kurono and Katou the main protagonists have a different personality between them where their own values lead them to make important decisions that serve for the development not only of the story but of themselves, and that is appreciated by the mangaka, because it easily makes us get attached to them.


The death system seen in Gantz is unique, something totally different from what we have seen in many series, and not only that but also the resurrection of some characters, an aspect that can be very "boring" in some aspects because we are used to suffer the definitive death of our favorite characters, however, in Gantz is absolutely necessary this system that its mangaka created, and to understand it better you must read his story from beginning to end.

Finally and to conclude, I want to clarify that it is not a story for everyone, as it is very raw and realistic in many ways, although it enjoys a considerable fantasy, so if you have not seen it I encourage you to do so, and that way you can by yourself have an appreciation; but if you already read the manga or at least saw the anime I would like to know your impressions in the comments.


Thanks for reading

Spanish Version

Gantz es un manga con una historia muy original

En un mundo tan dinámico como lo es el manga, donde miles de publicaciones se hacen anualmente, es difícil encontrar la originalidad, pues es muy común encontrar "copias" o trabajos inspirados en otros de mangakas ya famosos, lo cual aunque parece poco ético es una práctica muy común.

Crear algo nuevo nunca es sencillo, o por lo menos diferente al resto en la mayoría de su contenido, siempre hay detalles que conectan una historia con otras ya publicadas, sin embargo, mientras más analizo el manga de Gantz, más me convenzo a mí mismo de su originalidad.

Es muy posible que su historia tenga vertientes de otras pero definitivamente es muy peculiar, única en su estilo, así la he catalogado porque tiene una mezcla de elementos realmente diferentes que se compaginan para dar forma a una obra de arte.

Cada personaje, la individualidad de ellos, y el contexto de la trama nos muestra cómo se puede abordar un problema común desde diferentes perspectivas. Hay quienes buscan el bienestar de todos, hay quienes no entienden que sucede y hay otros a quienes solo les importa sobrevivir a toda costa, aun traicionando a sus compañeros.

Es una historia muy completa y no es para niños, ni siquiera en el anime porque hay escenas sexuales explicitas y en cuanto a la sangre, al desmembramiento, también es algo que considerar para los más pequeños. Tocando este tema del anime fue muy poco lo que adaptaron pero sirvió como un empujón para ver el manga, por lo menos en mi caso fue así, no sabía nada de manga en aquel entonces, y después de ver la adaptación quede con ganas de mas, así que pasado el tiempo pude leer el manga completo y quede maravillado con su historia.

Cuando digo que tiene de todo no exagero en lo absoluto, realmente tiene muchos elementos, drama, romance, erotismo, acción, horror, gore, misterio, etc., su mangaka Hiroya Oku se encargó de mezclar muy bien todos estos géneros. La trama de Gantz es apocalíptica, donde la supervivencia es digamos el objetivo principal de la humanidad, pero no nos engañemos, no solo la humanidad, sino también de otras “especies extraterrestres” que en este caso serían los antagonistas de la serie.

Realmente me habría encantado que la adaptaran completamente, tengo entendido que hubo un live action pero no lo he visto, así que no puedo opinar mucho al respecto, pero de la película animada en CGI que hicieron, fue espectacular, fiel al manga original en su contexto, aunque con algunos cambios aceptables, pero definitivamente muy buena.

Los personajes de Gantz muy especiales, Kurono y Katou los protagonistas principales tienen una personalidad diferente entre si donde sus propios valores los llevan a tomar decisiones importantes que sirven para el desarrollo no solo de la historia sino de ellos mismos, y eso es de apreciar por parte de su mangaka, debido a que fácilmente nos hace encariñarnos con ellos.

El sistema de muerte que se ve en Gantz es único, algo totalmente diferente a lo que hemos visto en muchas series, y no solo eso sino también la resurrección de algunos personajes, un aspecto que puede ser muy “aburrido” en algunos aspectos porque estamos acostumbrados a sufrir la muerte definitiva de nuestros personajes favoritos, sin embargo, en Gantz es absolutamente necesario este sistema que su mangaka creo, y para entenderlo mejor debes leer su historia de principio a fin.

Por último y para concluir, quiero aclarar que no es una historia para todo el mundo, ya que es muy cruda y realista en muchos sentidos, aunque goza de una fantasía considerable, por lo que si no la has visto te animo a hacerlo, y de esa forma puedas por ti mismo tener una apreciación; pero si ya leíste el manga o por lo menos viste el anime me gustaría conocer tus impresiones en los comentarios.

Gracias por leer

Traducción realizada en DeepL


This is such a thorough explanation and review of the story, sounds like a really interesting one. I'm sure you must have loved it as I can see. Thanks for sharing it with us. Have a nice day.

That's right my friend, historically speaking it is one of the best manga in existence.

You should check it out, extremely good.

Thanks for your kind opinion

One of the best mangas.

Yeah friend

It is true that it is not a manga for everyone, but it is historical, many people watch anime nowadays thanks to Gantz.

Let's keep interacting! Greetings!

I've never read the manga, I've only seen the anime and I always say I should have watched it again.

I have read that of course, the manga is more complete and develops the story of the main characters better, that's what motivaris read the manga.

I feel you, back then the same thing happened to me, but then I looked up his manga and read the whole thing. The only thing I can tell you is that the anime is just a mouth opener.

Gantz has a great story, I hope you can read it.