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RE: [Anime: First Impression] Bokutachi no Remake

in The Anime Realm3 years ago

I don't mind info dumps in general either, but there has to be some kind of payoff, like when characters explain the Nen system in HxH and then they show you ways to identify every person's type of Nen, and how each person trains on their own specialty, it's creative and satisfying to watch.
In many Light Novel adaptations most of the info dumps feel like random ideas that the writer threw in to fill the pages with content, and the anime staff didn't care enough to do anything visually creative with them, it's a tell-don't-show style of representation for information that you don't need in order to follow the plot.

Yeah I noticed the trends, recently time travel has been a very popular concept, Spring season had at least 3 shows about it! Isekai on the other hand is almost a whole genre right now.