Sword Art Online: one of my favorite anime but with some things to criticize [ENG/ESP]

in The Anime Realm3 years ago (edited)


Hello to all the community of The Anime Realm, I hope you are great, today I want to talk about an anime that I started watching long ago (I started watching it since its first season was on air) and that over the years I have followed, sometimes with moments when I thought about stopping watching it but it has had its ways to keep me hooked to it, what I must admit is that my love for this anime was born from its original premise and its first season so this post will have some criticism from my part to where this great work has been heading but personally I think it has had points or very repetitive or very forced in its script so today I want to talk about Sword Art Online or also known as SAO.


Sword Art Online was born from the light novels created by Reki Kawahara and drawn by Abec, since 2009 that began its publication already has 25 volumes that encompass the 9 arcs of the story (because it is still in broadcast), was taken to manga by the hand of Dengeki Bunko Magazine and being drawn by Tamako Nakamura would take the first arc of the work and would begin its publication in 2010, the following arcs of the light novels had in each of its adaptations to different cartoonists in front of this work (being Kotaro Yamada the only cartoonist to be present in two arcs of the story being these Phantom Bullet and Project Alicization). The anime adaptation of this work came from the hand of the studio A-1 Pictures (having this first season one of the coolest openings of all its sagas being this Crossing field of LiSA), thanks to the great success that was this season SAO has been received the adaptation of 7 original story arcs and 1 spin off (Alternative: Gun Gale Online) also had also a movie called Sword Art Online: Ordinal Scale.


The story of the first season of SAO (and the reason why I started to love this anime) introduces us to Kirito (whose real name is Kazuto Kirigaya) a young computer geek and quite intelligent who is very excited to try the new massive immersive virtual reality role-playing game created by Akihiko Kayaba, due to the high expectations of this game only 10 are sold. 0000 units of the Nervegear which allows to connect the user's brain with the virtual reality of the game (it works as an immersive helmet), Kirito enters for the second time to this world that he appreciates so much (since he had belonged to a small group of people who could test the beta version of this game) and meets Klein who would be his first friend in the game and to whom he teaches the basics to fight in this great video game, suddenly all the players are called to the center of the city of the beginning and appears a giant spectral being who introduces himself as Akihiko Kayaba and tells them that they will not be able to unlog out of this game (the players in panic check that this is true) also gives them an object that makes their avatars take the true form of people in the real world (thanks to calibrate the Nervegear should touch his body) and as if this were not enough The Nervegear will produce a microwave wave that will cause permanent damage to the brain and that if someone disconnects their helmet they will have one hour of battery backup to reconnect it or they will also die and the only way they will have to exit the game will be if they manage to finish it (which consisted in defeating all the bosses of the 100 levels of Aincrad). We will see how Kirito decides to finish this game in order to be free and the friendships that he will create throughout the battles to finish this deadly game.


Well since I talked about what for me was the best season of this anime I want to comment because I feel that it has become repetitive by the way before continuing from this point I leave a spoiler alert (since I will talk about the following seasons of the anime). My poor with the following seasons of SAO has to do more than everything from the Phantom Bullet arc and that when you always repeat the same idea that a game can kill you in each season an innovative idea ends up becoming boring also if we start to make our protagonist too strong we will have two problems or we will have to create villains with an absurd level of power or we will have to put too many restrictions of power to our protagonist; that's the problem for me with SAO, they used too much of a very original plot and also gave too much power to their protagonist, don't get me wrong the Phantom Bullet arc doesn't seem bad to me but it's a little repetitive, I feel that the Alicization arc took a more concrete idea and was a very good arc until its end that falls again in having a protagonist too powerful and a villain that had to have powers out of nowhere to match him.


Don't get me wrong I love SAO but we must be clear when our favorite works take a bad path, I hope you leave me your opinion and if you agree or disagree with me in the comments and if you have not seen this great anime I hope you give it a chance, without much more to add we will see each other in another post and I hope you are great.



Hola a toda la comunidad de The Anime Realm, espero se encuentren genial, hoy quiero hablarles de un anime que empecé a ver desde hace mucho (lo empecé a ver desde que su primera temporada estuvo en emisión) y que con el pasar de los años he seguido, a veces con momentos en los que he pensado en dejar de verla pero que ha tenido sus formas de mantenerme enganchado a ella, lo que debo admitir es que mi gusto por este anime nació de su premisa original y de su primera temporada así que este post tendrá algunas criticas de mi parte hacia donde se ha encaminado esta genial obra pero que personalmente creo que ha tenido puntos o muy repetitivos o muy forzados en su guion así que hoy quiero hablarles de Sword Art Online o también conocido como SAO.


Sword Art Online nace de las novelas ligeras creadas por Reki Kawahara y dibujadas por Abec, desde el 2009 que empezó su publicación cuenta ya con 25 volúmenes que engloban los 9 arcos de la historia (debido a que aún se encuentra en emisión), fue llevada al manga de la mano de la revista Dengeki Bunko Magazine y siendo dibujada por Tamako Nakamura tomaría el primer arco de la obra y empezaría su publicación en el 2010, los siguientes arcos de las novelas ligeras tuvieron en cada una de sus adaptaciones a diferentes dibujantes al frente de esta obra (siendo Kotaro Yamada el único dibujante en estar presente en dos arcos de la historia siendo estos Phantom Bullet y Proyect Alicization). La adaptación al anime de esta obra vino de la mano del estudio A-1 Pictures (teniendo esta primera temporada uno de los openings mas geniales de todas su sagas siendo este Crossing field de LiSA), gracias al gran éxito que fue esta temporada SAO ha sido recibido la adaptación de 7 arcos originales de la historia y 1 spin off (Alternative: Gun Gale Online) además conto también con una película llamada Sword Art Online: Ordinal Scale.


La historia de la primera temporada de SAO (y la razón por la que empecé a amar este anime) nos presenta a Kirito (cuyo verdadero nombre es Kazuto Kirigaya) un joven fanático de las computadoras y bastante inteligente quien esta muy emocionado por probar el nuevo juego de rol masivo de realidad virtual de inmersión total creado por Akihiko Kayaba, debido a las expectativas tan grandes de este juego solo se venden 10.0000 unidades del Nervegear el cual permite conectar el cerebro del usuario con la realidad virtual del juego (este funciona como un casco de inmersión), Kirito entra por segunda vez a este mundo que tanto aprecia (ya que él había pertenecido a un reducido grupo de personas que pudieron probar la versión beta de este juego) y conoce a Klein quien seria su primer amigo en el juego y a quien enseña lo básico para poder luchar en este genial videojuego, de repente son llamados todos los jugadores al centro de la ciudad del inicio y aparece un espectral ser gigante quien se presenta como Akihiko Kayaba y les dice que no podrán desloguearse de este juego (los jugadores con pánico comprueban que esto es verdad) además les da un objeto que hace que sus avatares tomen la verdadera forma de las personas en el mundo real (gracias a que para calibrar el Nervegear debían tocar su cuerpo) y como si esto no fuese lo suficientemente tétrico les dice que si mueren dentro del juego también lo harán en el mundo real debido a que el Nervegear producirá una onda de microondas que causara daños permanentes en el cerebro y que si alguien desconecta su casco contaran con una hora de batería de respaldo para volverlo a conectar o también morirán y la única forma que tendrán para salir del juego será si logran terminarlo (lo cual consistía en vencer a todos los jefes de los 100 niveles de Aincrad. Veremos cómo Kirito decide terminar este juego para poder ser libre y las amistades que ira creando a lo largo de las batallas para poder terminar este juego mortal.


Bien ya que hable de lo que para mi fue la mejor temporada de este anime quiero comentar porque siento que se ha vuelto repetitivo por cierto antes de seguir de este punto dejo una alerta de spoiler (ya que hablare de las siguientes temporadas del anime). Mi pobre con las siguientes temporadas de SAO tiene que ver mas que todo desde el arco de Phantom Bullet y que cuando se repite siempre la misma idea de que un juego puede matarte en cada temporada una idea innovadora termina volviéndose aburrida además si empezamos a volver demasiado fuerte a nuestro protagonista tendremos dos problemas o tendremos que crear villanos con un nivel de poder absurdo o tendremos que ponerle demasiadas restricciones de poder a nuestro protagonista; ese es para mi el problema con SAO, utilizaron demasiado un argumento muy original y además le dieron demasiado poder a su protagonista , no me malinterpreten el arco de Phantom Bullet no me parece malo pero es un poco repetitivo, siento que el arco de Alicization tomaron una idea mas concreta y fue un muy buen arco hasta su final que ya cae otra vez en tener un protagonista demasiado poderoso y un villano que tenia que tener poderes de la nada para poder igualarlo.


No me malinterpreten me gusta mucho SAO pero debemos estar claros cuando nuestras obras favoritas toman un mal camino, espero que me dejen su opinión y si están de acuerdo o no conmigo en los comentarios y si no han visto este genial anime espero le den una oportunidad, sin mucho mas que agregar nos veremos en otro post y espero se encuentren genial.



Este es sin ninguna duda mi anime favorito en todos los aspectos tanto el anime como la novela ligera. Siempre lo he dicho y hasta hablé sobre ello en un post anterior, el arco de Aincrad fue muy desaprovechado en la novela original y el mismo anime por suerte las novelas de Progressive han enmendando este error siendo increíbles y tengo muchas ganas de ver la película sobre el primer tomo que saldrá pronto.

Si se hicieron algo repetitivos luego de Bullet Phanton pero el arco de Alicization fue fantástico quitando la batalla final que fue algo exagerado el poder de Kirito y Gabriel. El arco de Unital Ring en otra obra maestra en las novelas y espero que su anime sea igual. Un saludo amigo sin dudas una fantástica obra de Reki

I want to watch it!!

You should watch it, actually I think that it's available in Netflix

Good review.

I like to break SAO's first 2 seasons into 4 arcs. To me the first half of the first season where they are actually in SAO is near perfection. Some of my favorite anime ever. The only real problem is that it progresses way too fast. That world deserved more exploration. The entire series is based off this and we got half a season where they jump 10 levels an episode... kind of a shame.

The second half kind of devolves into a cliche save the princess kind of thing which was done fairly well but just didn't have the same greatness as the actual SAO parts.

Phantom Bullet IMO kind of brought it back a little. It was not near as good as SAO but a new way to die ingame and the introduction of Sinon as well as a different (sci-fi) setting was all pretty cool.

The second half, back in Alfhiem was again... good but not as good as previous stuff. I felt like a lot of stuff was being forced in at this point. But it was a fun wind down of action and dealt with a good personal story with Yukki.

Oridinal Scale was pretty awesome though. I think it is the best up to this point next to the original first SAO part. I liked that it brought back the importance of Asuna and gave a real world challenge. It also put Kirito in a tougher spot that he had to actually work through (though he managed to do so a bit too easy probably haha.) As well as all the fun references to previous content... this one was pretty enjoyable.

Gun Gale Online was okay... without the main characters I didn't expect a ton so not too much to say.

Haven't watched anything after that yet. But will eventually.

I kind of just wish instead of moving into other worlds and all that, they'd have just went back into SAO timeline and showed what happened in those large gaps... I think that would have been way more interesting than anything else they've done.

My problem with SAO it's that at the end of every arc Kirito get a power up that give him the chance to win, but in Ordinal Scale and in the first part of SAO was amazing, the Mother Rosario arc was actually cool