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RE: Top 5 Best Sci-Fi Anime of 2023 | Nattosheru Review [ENG/SPA]

The only thing I've seen here is Dr Stone and the truth is that yes, it's very cool to watch, I like its story a lot.

I really appreciate this top that you do because you put on the map things that I had not heard of. Besides Dr Stone, the other one I've heard of is Pluto, the rest I have no idea. I like sci-fi but it's not one of my favorite genres in anime, although I have no problem watching the odd thing or two out there.

Greetings my friend!


The good thing about this top is that not only are they pure works of the science fiction genre, but they also have some suspense, as is the case with Tengoku Daimakyou, and Psychology, as is the case with Pluto.

I recommend you see both so you don't miss out on two tremendous works when it comes to animation, story and character development. For me it is a pleasure to make these tops.

Thanks for the support. 🤗