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RE: (ENG/SPA) Ghost in The Shell (Inner Universe) Soundtrack Review with @Promete0sz

What a pleasure to see you talking openly about this soundtrack, it is true that there are many things to highlight about this masterpiece and you did it very well. I didn't know there were several languages in the lyrics, that highlights the epicness of Ghost in The Shell.

By the way, as far as the live action is concerned I give it a 5/10, I didn't like it very much.

Welcome to The Anime Realm dear @gerzon, hope to see you again soon. Greetings @promete0sz!


Thanks so much @musicandreview. The "Ghost in the Shell" animated film published in 1995 was very good, they put a lot of effort into making various effects or movements look as real as possible.

And the soundtrack was very well selected to help that cyberpunk atmosphere.