
Good afternoon dear friend @musicandreview
What you tell us about this anime that you had the opportunity to see is very interesting. It's great that ¨Wind Breaker¨ is different from what one is used to seeing in anime that take place in schools, where everyone is a gang member and fights to be the supplier of drugs or the one who dominates the students.
Thank you very much for sharing your point of view about this anime
Have a great weekend

It is certainly an interesting proposal in the shonen genre, I was pleasantly surprised.

It was a pleasure to share. Have a great day!

Aaah I love this anime and yes, I must admit that the miniature images are the ones that catch my attention. Also, I thought it was a magical anime and something like that, but I was surprised, because so far I've loved the way everything is developing.

Aaah me encanta este anime y si, también debo admitir que las imágenes en miniaturas son las que me llaman la atención. Asimismo, creí que se trata de un anime mágico y algo así, pero me lleve mi sorpresa y de la buena, porque hasta el momento me ha encanto en como se va desarrollando todo.

Yes, it has been a great surprise, I didn't expect it to be so good. I hope it keeps up the good pace it has so far, I think it has a lot of opportunities to keep growing in terms of story and characters.

Thanks for your support!

lo estoy viendo y me encanta no solo por las peleas sino su manera de trasmitir sus sentimientos a través de los golpes, no es solo pelear sino saber actuar y cambiar a las personas.

I'm watching it and I love it not only because of the fights but also because of the way he transmits his feelings through the blows, it's not only about fighting but also about knowing how to act and change people.

What you say is true, they try to converse with fights and through their fists, I think it's a nice concept that can clearly convey your feelings. Greetings!


Yes haha, just imagine that, something associated with the wind and probably from there expands to other elements as often happens in numerous stories.

But well, what kind of schools are those pol gave santi, the guys go there to work hard and the studio where it is 😅... reminds me of a school near my home, they don't study anything there.... 😂

My god those eternal memories or flashbacks but it's not because of how long they last, if not that they repeat them over and over and over and over again..... SASUKE THIS IS WITH YOU!!! 😂, well I like that it goes to the point, lately or at least in my case one notices how repetitive the basic situations are then of course we want to go from that quickly to what makes that anime or story unique.


Haaablame muchachon, Si jaja, justo imagine eso, algo asociado al viento y que probablemente de allí se expande al resto de elementos como muchas veces sucede en numerosas historias

Pero bueno que tipo de escuelas son esas pol dio santi, los carajos van es a machacarse y el estudio donde queda 😅... me recuerda a una escuela que queda por mi hogar, allí no estudian nada... 😂

Dios mío esos recuerdos o flashbacks eternos pero no es por lo que duran, si no que los repiten una y otra y otra vez... SASUKE ESTO ES CONTIGO!! 😂, bueno me agrada que va a el grano, últimamente o al menos en mi caso uno nota lo repetitivo de las situaciones básicas entonces claro queremos pasar de eso rápido a lo que hace único a ese anime o historia

Definitely the name and the miniature fooled us completely, and yes, at what point do they study? hahaha, I guess it will be an unsolved mystery.

Sasuke did bore us with the intensity of his past, it was interesting at first, but then it was nauseating. Cheers bro!

So far only 8 chapters have been aired, but they are enough for me to consider this one of the best anime of the year, in fact, I could say that I like it much more than Tokyo Revengers, an anime that has a similar theme, but with the difference that in the latter they are not students, but street gang members.

Yaaaay!!! I'm happy to know your opinion on this. I haven't started watching the anime version yet coz I love binge-watching... haha But the manga is amazing, so I'm glad that the anime version is giving justice to it. Most of the reviews are positive... I love Tokyo Revengers, too... but Windbreaker has a less complicated plot and really interesting characters as well. ^^

If you've already seen the manga then you're ahead of the curve, that's great, when you watch the anime you'll realize it goes pretty well. And well, Wind Breaker gets straight to the point, but that doesn't happen with Tokyo Revengers, although it's still very good in its own way. Cheers!

At first I was expecting a shonen anime, but I really liked it! The animation is fluid, and the balance between comedy and serious themes is well maintained! Good review! 👍

I think it's an anime that has many opportunities to grow and give us a good story, one of those that are missing nowadays. It was a pleasure to share! Greetings!

I didn't know this anime, the animation looks really good. As far as I can see there are no powers or anything like that. So in a way it has a more realistic approach.
The plot doesn't call my attention at first, but you speak very well of this series, you have to give it a chance, besides that there are only a few chapters.

No conocía este anime, la animacion, si se ve muy buena. Por lo que se ve no hay poderes ni nada de esas cosas. Así que en cierto modo tiene un enfoque mas realista.
De buenas a primera no me llama la atención la trama, pero hablas muy bien de esta serie, que hay que darle la oportunidad, además que van pocos capítulos.

I am sure that if you give it a chance you will like it a lot, from the first moment it is entertaining and so far it has not lost its good rhythm. It would be great if you watch it and then share your opinion with us. Best regards!

The cover is the first impact that the viewer receives, of course a striking cover and title will capture the attention of the audience, that has happened to me with all the anime I've watched, but I admit that I cheat and read the synopsis before starting to watch it haha

Quite an interesting plot, the animation reminds me of an anime but now I don't remember the name 😅

Reading the synopsis is undoubtedly a way to know remotely what we will see. Usually they all say interesting things, but the reality is usually very different.

Thanks for your kind comment. Best regards!

This is one of my favorite animes of this season, honestly. And you are right at the beginning with the first impression that an anime gives you with its cover and first chapter. The truth is that when I was going to see it and noticed the image of the character and the uniforms, Tokyo Revengers came to mind.

But, in the end I really liked the first episode and from then on it was and continues to be quite a journey. If it is true that this anime maintains the essence of Shonen with a problematic and lonely protagonist who only seeks to fight with strong opponents, and the construction of the other characters is very well done, taking into account the genre. Likewise, the action is never lacking, especially at the beginning where you see a punching and kicking spectacle with good timing and incredible, impeccable animation, typical of CloverWorks.

I think that at this precise moment it is at a "peak" where anything can be expected, but I have the impression that it still needs a lot more and that it is only an introduction of an introduction. In the end, I haven't seen Tokyo Revengers, but I prefer this anime much more than this other one.

For the moment, I have not been so disappointed in the characters, story, animation, soundtrack and, how can I not mention the incredible Opening it has.

Your review is very good, friend.

It is true that it gives the impression that it is similar to Tokyo Revengers, but like you, I think this one is much better and by far, I tell you because I've seen both anime and from the first moment you can tell.

The character development is one of the most interesting things since they go to the point, that is to say, they don't go on for several chapters to go into the past of a character. And yes, the animation is outstanding, the fights looked quite fluid.

Thank you very much for your visit and comment. It was a pleasure to share!

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Thank you for reporting this excellent news!

You're welcome @musicandreview! Have a nice weekend 😀