Basilisk Kouga Ninpou Chou Review

in The Anime Realm24 days ago

Hello, friends of The Anime Realm! I'm glad to have the opportunity to meet you again in this fascinating space dedicated to the world of anime and manga. This time I want to share with you a review of a series that I had the opportunity to watch for the first time a few years ago and that I recently watched again, since I had very good impressions and I wanted to relive the spectacular scenes and the plot that develops there. It is Basilisk Kouga Ninpou Chou, and it is worth noting that period anime, especially from the samurai era, is one of my favourites.

¡Hola, amigos de The Anime Realm! Me alegra tener la oportunidad de encontrarme nuevamente con ustedes en este fascinante espacio dedicado al mundo del anime y del manga. En esta oportunidad quiero compartir con ustedes una reseña sobre una serie que tuve la oportunidad de ver hace algunos años por primera vez y que últimamente volví a ver, ya que había quedado con muy buenas impresiones y quise revivir las espectaculares escenas y la trama que allí se desarrolla. Se trata de Basilisk Kouga Ninpou Chou, y cabe destacar que los animes de época, especialmente de la época de los samuráis son de mis favoritos.

Source / Fuente

To give us an idea, this is an action genre series with strong touches of romance and tragedy, based on the manga Basilisk, The Kouga Ninja Scrolls written by Masaki Segawa and published in anime format in 2005.

The main character, Gennosuke Kouga, is the leader of his village, and is a specialist in various ninja techniques, including the dreaded Doujutsu, which allows him to control any attack and get his enemies to hurt themselves. Let's say that Gennosuke was in charge of keeping the peace between his clan and the Iga clan, whose leader is Oboro, with whom he is deeply in love. Oboro has mastered the Eyes of Ruin technique, whereby she can nullify any technique by simply looking at her opponent.

Para que tengamos una idea, esta es una serie de género de acción con fuertes toques de romance y tragedia, está basado el manga Basilisk, The Kouga Ninja Scrolls escrito por Masaki Segawa y publicado en formato anime en el año 2005.

Sepamos que el protagonista, Gennosuke Kouga es el líder de su aldea, y es especialista en variadas técnicas ninja, entre las que destaca el temido Doujutsu, que le permite controlar cualquier ataque y conseguir que sus enemigos se hieran a sí mismos. Digamos que Gennosuke era el encargado de mantener la paz entre su clan y el clan Iga, cuya líder es Oboro, de quien está profundamente enamorado. Oboro por su parte domina la técnica de Los Ojos de la Ruina, mediante la cual anula cualquier técnica con tan solo mirar al adversario.

Source / Fuente

This animation is action-packed, as is to be expected from a story that unfolds amidst clan conflicts and feuds, so we can expect incredible fights and a display of unique powers and abilities among the characters.

Take into account that the events take place during the Tokugawa era, right at the end of Shogun Ieyasu's rule. Although they had experienced a period of tense truce, it was decreed that hostilities between the clans would resume, so that through bloody competition between the clans, they could decide who would be the next shogun, depending on which clan was victorious.

Esta animación está llena de mucha acción, como es de esperarse de una historia que se desenvuelve en medio de conflictos y disputas entre clanes, así que podemos esperar increíbles peleas y un despliegue de poderes y habilidades únicas entre los personajes.

Tomemos en cuenta que los acontecimientos se llevan a cabo durante la era Tokugawa, justo al final del gobierno del shogun Ieyasu. A pesar de que habían vivido un periodo de tensa tregua, fue decretada la reanudación de las hostilidades entre los clanes, para que por medio de competencias sangrientas entre ellos, pudieran dilucidar quién sería el próximo shogun, dependiendo del clan que resultara vencedor.

Source / Fuente

Personally, one of the aspects that most caught my attention in this anime was the tragic but beautiful love story between the protagonists and leaders of the feuding families. It is wonderful to see how despite the obstacles they faced and the difficult situations they had to deal with, they never let their feelings fade away, and the emotional ending of the story is proof of that.

This story saw the light of day on the big screen in a live action that is also highly recommended. The series also has a sequel called Basilisk Ouka Ninpou Chou based on the life of Oboro and Gennosuke's children, who inherited their powers; which received some controversy, since in the original series it was never seen, or at least not so clearly, that the couple had conceived children. Anyway, I gave it a chance and it seemed like more of the same in relation to Kouga Ninpou Chou.

The music chosen for this anime is simply sensational, starting with Kouga Ninpouchou by the heavy metal band Onmyouza and ending with the beautiful ballad Hime Murasaki by singer and seiyu Nana Mizuki. I hope you will be encouraged to watch this anime, which is loaded with a lot of action and emotion.

En lo personal uno de los aspectos que más me llamó la atención de este anime fue la trágica pero hermosa historia de amor entre los protagonistas y líderes de las familias en disputa. Es maravilloso ver cómo a pesar de los obstáculos que enfrentaban y lo difícil de su situaciones que les tocaba sortear, ellos jamás dejaron que sus sentimientos se desvanecieran, y el emotivo final de la historia es prueba de ello.

Esta historia vio luz en la gran pantalla con un live action que también es muy recomendable. Del mismo modo la serie cuenta con una secuela llamada Basilisk Ouka Ninpou Chou basada en la vida de los hijos de Oboro y Gennosuke, quienes heredaron su poderes; la cual recibió cierta polémica, puesto que en la serie original nunca se llegó a ver, o al menos no tan claramente, que la pareja hubiera concebido hijos. En todo caso le di una oportunidad y me pareció más de lo mismo en relación con Kouga Ninpou Chou.

La música escogida para este anime es simplemente sensacional, iniciando con Kouga Ninpouchou de la banda de heavy metal Onmyouza y finalizando con la hermosa balada Hime Murasaki de la cantante y seiyu Nana Mizuki. Espero que se animen a ver este anime, que viene cargado de mucha acción y emotividad.

Anime Trailer

Created by: Masaki Segawa
Director: Fumitomo Kizaki
Studio: Gonzo
Official Website
Translation: Deepl


This anime is an ode to good stories based on the ninja world, with exciting characters and an finale that makes tears flow involuntarily.

And yes, the soundtrack is spectacular, I still listen to those songs. Thanks for sharing!

Thank you for passing by and appreciating this review.

This is a beautiful, emotional and exciting story indeed.

The stories of ninjas, clans, shoguns are epic, from the disputes that are lived to the simplest as in this case is the romance between the protagonists. This whole world calls my attention, it is unique because they see the world in a very different way. When anime touches part of the Japanese culture they are usually incredible.

We'll see if I keep an eye on it, greetings!

Yes, this genre is extraordinary and very exciting.
If you have the chance to see this anime you will not regret.

me gusta este estilo de animes, genial tu post!

I like this style of anime, great post!

Thanks so much for passing by and commenting.


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Mil gracias por el apoyo! 🤗

Almost 20 years of Basilik, I almost fell out of my chair reading that 😂.

Just at that time in 2000 I felt attraction to watch live-action based on manga and anime; one of those productions was "Shinobi" and watching that movie prompted me to watch Basilik; good anime, a story with a lot of tragedy and drama, but with great characters and exceptional animation.

I had that anime in DVD format and God knows where it will be; I haven't seen it for a long time, but that made me remember of the other anime released in 2018, possibly these days I will decide to watch it.

Yes, almost 20 years now. 😃

I also used to have anime series in DVD format, I've lost them.

Me too, I've missed many, actually all of them 😞.

Already forgot about this. One of the best anime movies I watched about two warring ninja factions before Naruto became popular. Each ninja has his own jutsu similar to Naruto but this is more geared towards matured audiences.

It really is an awesome anime. I've seen it twice.


Amen to that time of the samurai girl, I also saw this anime years ago and the first chapter hooks you forcefully.

Yes, it's great that the anime is full of action moments, battles full of hate and that the best thing elaborated more than the previous is the romance, it's like a kind of Romeo Juliet there in Japan.

Ah geez I didn't know it had a live action, I have to watch it to see how they represented it, regardless of the anime that is a genius, that other version even if it's difficult to watch it calls my attention, lately the live action has improved at least in netflix haha


Amén a esa época de los samuráis muchachona, este anime también lo vi hace años y el primer capítulo engancha contundentemente

Sí, es de peso que el anime este lleno de momentos de acción, batallas llenas de odio y que lo mejor elaborado mas que lo anterior sea el romance, es como una especie de Romeo Julieta allá en Japón

Ah Caray no sabía que tenia un live action, tengo que verlo a ver que tal lo representaron, independientemente del anime que es una genialidad, esa otra versión así la tenga difícil llama mi atención, últimamente lo live action han mejorado al menos en netflix jaja

I have not seen this anime, it calls my attention, because of what you say, it has a deep story, due to the romance and action.

No he visto este anime, me llama la atención, por lo que comentas tienen una historia profunda, debido al romance y la acción.

Aah comparto esa pasión por lo tradicional, me lo anoto en la lista !!! Gracias por compartir ^.^