Kimetsu no Yaiba: To the Hashira Training Movie - Review [ENG-ESP]

in The Anime Realm5 months ago

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Hello, friends of The Anime Realm! It's a pleasure to be with you. Today I want to tell you about my visit to the movie theaters to see the premiere of Demon Slayer: To the Hashira Training, the movie that serves as a preamble for the new season of this extraordinary story that has captivated us from the beginning, not for nothing is considered in the ranking of the 100 best manga in history with the number 2.

¡Hola, amigos de The Anime Realm! Es un placer estar con ustedes. El día de hoy quiero contarles de mi visita a las salas de cine para ver el estreno de Demon Slayer: Rumbo al Entrenamiento de los Pilares, la película que sirve de preámbulo para la nueva temporada de esta extraordinaria historia que nos ha cautivado desde el principio, no por nada es considerada en el ranking de los 100 mejores mangas de la historia con el número 2.

For those who still don't know this story, it is about the life of Tanjiro, a young man with a good heart who sold coal to support his family after the death of his father. One tragic day when he returned he found his family killed by demons; the only survivor was his sister Nezuko, however she had been turned into a demon. Tanjiro decided to join the demon extermination corps to kill those who decimated his family and try to restore his sister's humanity. The series is currently approaching its 4th season.

I was very moved by the end of the previous arc, so I couldn't wait to see what adventures are in store for Tanjiro and Nezuko as they continue their mission. I was eager to watch this movie which consists of scenes from the last episode of the previous season and about 2 episodes of the new arc, and see how everything to do with the training of the pillars unfolded.

Para quienes aún no conocen esta historia, se trata en inicio de la vida de Tanjiro, un joven de buen corazón que vendía carbón para mantener a su familia después de la muerte de su padre. Un trágico día al regresar consiguió a su familia asesinada por unos demonios; la única sobreviviente fue su hermana Nezuko, sin embargo esta había sido convertida en demonio. Tanjiro decidió unirse al cuerpo de exterminio de demonios para acabar con quienes diezmaron a su familia y tratar de devolver la humanidad a su hermana. La serie actualmente se acerca a su 4ta temporada.

Quedé muy conmovida con el final del arco anterior, así que no podía esperar para ver las aventuras que le deparan a Tanjiro y a Nezuko como continuación de su misión. Estaba ansiosa por ver esta película que consta de escenas del último capítulo de la temporada anterior y unos 2 capítulos del nuevo arco, y ver cómo se desarrollaba todo lo que tiene que ver con el entrenamiento de los pilares.

Source / Fuente

I really enjoyed the film, remembering the final scenes of the previous arc was very emotional. In this movie we go into what are the previous actions of the training of the pillars. In this case we basically find ourselves with an introduction of what is going to be this activity. The training is for the pillars and also from the pillars to the rest of the demon extermination corps, because the whole corps has to be totally in tune for what is going to happen, since very strong things are coming. We know that Muzan is coming after Nezuko because he needs to devour her to finally conquer the sun.

The determination of the pillars to defeat evil at its root is simply inspiring, each one of them has unique and extraordinary abilities that have earned them the position and dignity they possess; I feel that with them humanity has hope, and lower-ranking demon hunters must take advantage of every second of this training to learn as much as they can and become better warriors, with a view to future events.

Me gustó muchísimo la función, recordar las escenas finales del arco anterior fue muy emotivo. En este film nos adentramos en lo que son las acciones previas del entrenamiento de los pilares. En este caso nos encontramos básicamente con una introducción de lo que va ser dicha actividad. El adiestramiento es para los pilares y también de parte de los pilares al resto del cuerpo de exterminio de demonios, pues todo el cuerpo tiene que estar totalmente a tono para lo que va a suceder, ya que vienen cosas muy fuertes. Sabemos que Muzan viene tras Nezuko porque necesita devorarla para finalmente conquistar el sol.

La determinación de los pilares para derrotar el mal de raíz es simplemente inspiradora, cada uno de ellos tiene capacidades únicas y extraordinarias que les han valido el puesto y la dignidad que poseen; siento que con ellos la humanidad tiene una esperanza, y los cazadores de demonios de menor rango deben aprovechar cada segundo de este entrenamiento para aprender lo más que puedan y hacerse mejores guerreros, con vista a los acontecimientos futuros.

Official movie trailer

If you have the chance to go to the movies I really recommend you to watch it, if not you can also wait for March, when it will be broadcasted through Crunchyroll and other streamings. Thanks for joining me. See you soon!

Si tienen la oportunidad de ir al cine de verdad les recomiendo que la vean, si no también pueden esperar al mes de marzo, cuando se emitirá a través de Crunchyroll y otros streamings. Gracias por acompañarme. ¡Nos vemos pronto!

Created by: Koyoharu Gotōge
Director: Haruo Sotozaki
Studio: Ufotable
Official Website

Logos on Cover: The Anime Realm Community / Kimetsu no Yaiba’s official website

Video Recording: Redmi Note 10 5G / Editing: Movavi & Capcut

Video Music: “Rock” from Movavi’s free library

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Going to see a movie at the cinema (anime or not) generates different emotions than watching them on TV or PC, the cinema experience makes it even more exciting 😍

I couldn't agree with you more, nothing compares to the thrill of watching a movie at the cinama, in this case it was no exception.

This anime is too complete, it has a good story that is the basis of everything, it has funny moments without overshadowing the plot and a main character like Tanjiro who is a sweetheart, how not to be trapped with its plot?

I loved the last chapter and like you, I'm anxious to know much more about the training of the pillars and see the continuation of Tanjiro and Nezuko's mission.

Although this movie was more filler than action, I really enjoyed watching it, it was very entertaining and informative.

It must have been amazing to watch it on the big screen!!! 😎✌️ After I finished reading the manga, I somehow failed to watch the anime... I guess the last KnY I've watched was Mugen train... 😂😂😂

How cool that you already finished the manga. The anime in general is very good, I recommend it.

I'll binge watch it soon!!! 😁😎✌️

It's always fun, when watching movie in the cinema that at home. Thanks for sharing the sweet experience with us.

It's definitely a better experience at the cinema than at home, especially when it is a movie or saga that we are fans of.
Thanks for passing by. 🤗

ya se estrenó? quiero verla jeje

it's already released? i want to see it hehe

Si, te recomiendo que la veas, en el cine es mucho más emocionante.

Yes, I recommend you see it, in the cinema it's much more exciting.

If there is something I have pending these days is precisely to see this film. I understand that it doesn't have much action, but seeing iconic scenes on the big screen with the animation that characterizes Kimetsu no Yaiba must be spectacular.

Thank you for sharing this review with us. Best regards!

Yes, despite the lack of action scenes specifically in the part where they deal with the new arc the movie is worth watching. It's very entertaining.
A pleasure to participate in this community once again.

I have only watched it's first season and it worth the hype I hope you might had enjoyed your time.

I truly did. The rest of the series is worth watching.
Highly recommended.

I hope you a wonderful time at the Cinema. I always wish to visit cinema one day

I hope you do, it's an extraordinary experience.
Thanks for passing by. por nada es considerada en el ranking de los 100 mejores mangas de la historia con el número 2.

Solo te preguntaré algo ya que no la he visto, no se porque no me he animado, quizás porque mi hermano menor la ve y siempre ve cosas malas jaja.

Pero veo que tiene mucho público y considerando su puesto en el manga tiene que ser buena.

Mi pregunta es la siguiente, el anime es fiel al manga? Para saber si lo veo o me leo el manga mejor.

Gracias de antemano por tu respuesta

Aunque no he visto el maga, he escuchado de parte de amigos que la historia es bastante fiel al maga, y que cuando han hecho variaciones estas no han defraudado.

Although I have not seen the maga, I have heard from friends that the story is quite faithful to the maga, and that when they have done variations these have not disappointed.

It must have been fun to watch it in the theatre i never got the chance to watch it in theatre because in my country anime is not that much popular yet. You are so Lucky to watch it 💖 I love demon slayer hearing from you about it gives me goosebumps.

I hope that anime will soon become more popular in your country, as it is an extraordinary animation format with a variety of genres for all tastes.

Me has dejado más ansioso con este post jajaja, justo este fin de semana la voy a ver; si con el último capítulo de la 3era temporada salieron lágrimas, la emoción con esto será única 🙌😀💛... leí un poco en el manga y decidí parar porque quiero ver eso en animación, ciertamente lo que se viene es fuerte, la cosa se torna más seria en cuanto a la búsqueda de Nezuko, vamos a ver pronto en que parará esta odisea!!!

Un abrazo amiga mía y qué genial que hayas disfrutado ya de esta producción y que estés más inmersa en este anime que por eso está en el lugar que está, entre los mejores de la historia 🔥🔥🔥... You Absolutely Rockkk!!! 👍😎🔥❤️

Hola Fer!
Qué cool que la vas a ver este fin de semana, aunque es bastante fan service y por los momentos no hay mucha acción vale la pena verla en la gran pantalla.
Un abrazo, me alegra leerte.

I was honestly going to watch it until I found out that it was a summary of the previous arc and the rest was filler, for that I'd better wait for the next arc to come out, although it's understandable, with these films they finance the anime with the profits.

That's right, I agree with you.

I really want to watch this at the cinema. I really love this anime and I think it would be a totally different experience on the big screen❤️

Yes, the big screen brings a different experience, it's worthy.