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RE: Anime Review: of A Sign of Affection [ENG/ESP]

I actually watched the first episode of this last week I think, after watching a short clip about it. I find it cute so I had to check it. But I couldn't finish episode 1 though. I'm also watching The Dangers in my Heart that time and upon comparing the two, I feel more drawn to the Danger In My Heart than A Sign of Affection.

It's good no doubt about it, I will never start with it if not, it's just that, my heart is looking for something that will nake me feel excited, and I don't feel that in here. But, of course that doesn't mean I will completely drop it. It is on my watchlist rn and i'll go watch it again, maybe soon, ehe. Thanks for the share ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ


Well, I appreciate your words and your sincerity, it's valid to have different tastes; Just as they say where I live: "Between tastes and flavors they haven't written the flavors." So I'll also be encouraged to watch a cap of "The Dangers in my Heart" to understand you better. Thanks for the recommendation.🙌🫶