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RE: (ENG/SPA) Blood of Zeus Greek Mythology made Anime Review

in The Anime Realmlast month

This seems promising... I'm also interested in Greek Mythology especially when I was in high school. It was the focus of our English class back then. I should check this out! Thanks! ^^



Greek mythology is fascinating and a good resource for the English aspect, a great success that way of teaching, I wish it was like that in my case because I am a big fan of mythology especially Greek :D


La mitología griega es enviciarte y un buen recurso para e aspecto ingles, un gran acierto esa forma de enseñar, ojala fuera sido así en mi caso ya que soy fan máximo de las mitologías en especial la griega :D

I think so, too... We used to do roleplay of the gods and goddesses. I remember playing Iris, the goddess of rainbow back then. ^^


but what a tenderness as the goddess of the rainbow hahahah, at first I read, I read Eris and I thought of the one of discord, then I read again and I realized she was the one of the rainbow haha, I had to look for her because I had never heard of her.

incredible how rich and abundant is the greek mythology that fortunately we have the details of so many gods and other beings of all their religion 😃


pero que ternurita como la diosa del arcoiris jajaj, a primeras que leí, lei Eris y pensé en la de la discordia, luego volvi a leer y capte era la del arcoiris jaja, tuve que buscarla porque nunca había oido de ella

increible lo rica y abundante que es la mitología griega que afortunadamente tenemos los detalles de tantos dioses y otros seres de toda su religión 😃

She wasn't that popular compared to other gods and goddesses in Greek mythology. :) That's true... so, it's great to watch an anime related to this topic. ^^