Ask Anime Week #18: Who's a Side Character That Should've Been the Main Character?

We're going to make this a weekly mini-contest where we ask something related to Anime. Read the rules carefully.


Ask Anime Question of the Week:

Who's a Side Character That Should've Been the Main Character?

If you ever had moments when you feel a sense of conviction that the main character didn't deserve the spotlight, share them now. Supporting casts don't get much of the spotlight for obvious reasons, but each is a main character in their own perspective. So which show do you think had a good supporting cast that was better off as an MC?

  1. Comment your answer to the weekly question to this post as an entry.
  2. Must be in English but you can attach a section for a different language too as long as there is an English section that conveys the same thought.
  3. No need to make a post about the contest or use a specific tag for your post. You can still post about this but it serves no purpose in picking a winner.
  4. Tag someone who you think might be interested in joining (optional) but if that person participates in the event, there's a bonus reward IF either of you wins. In cases where multiple users tag the same person, we'll count only the user that mentioned that person first as evidenced by the time stamp on the blockchain.
  5. Comments must be below 4 sentences for the actual entry. There's no need to comment 4 sentences for an entry, it's just a max number to avoid the entries becoming long form posts. If you have conversations in the comment section, make sure it's done on a separate comment/reply section.
  6. Response must not be AI generated. While this can sometimes be a challenge to detect and prove, it's not worth trying because you're being asked to share in your own words.
  7. Only 1 winner will be picked. Criteria for judging will not be disclosed but the closest hint available is: put some thought into your answer within the limited number of sentences available.

Notes: Think less of this as a contest and more of an avenue to share your thoughts and get more exposure within the community. We'll adapt the mechanics of the contest depending on the outcome of the previous contests so expect rules can change in the future.

Prize: The winner will receive 1 Hive.

If you won and tagged another user that participated in the mini-contest, you get 2 Hive and the other person you tagged gets 0.5 Hive.

If the person you tagged won, they get 2 Hive and you get 0.5 Hive for tagging them along.


I can think of a few others in One Piece, but I'm going with White Beard. I can say that the producer didn't give him the attention that he deserved. During the war of the best, he was clearly the strongest, but the plot really needed his death for the world to change.



I can think about a few but the one that always will come to my mind first is Itachi Uchiha. I will always say that his story (also Sasuke's) is far more interesting than Naruto's. It has a dark plot full with drama, tragedy, love, regret and many other things that make you feel a mix of emotions.


Hehe, when I read several days ago I thought of talking about Itachi, he is definitely a character that could have easily been the protagonist of Naruto, even Kakashi also has an excellent story and weight, but yes, definitely Itachi would have been tremendous protagonist.

Omg yes! Kakashi is also a character with a really underrated story. Perhaps most of Naruto's characters are

Minako Aino (Sailor Venus) in my opinion should have been the main character in Sailor Moon, she had more potential to be the Princess of the Moon.

In the manga you can see her true character and that she could easily be the best leader of the group, more mature and with more experience, she had more determination ❤️

Personally, I am more interested in L's pov than Light's (Death Note). Light's belief in creating a new world free of injustice and filled only with kind and honest people seems nonsense to me. It really irked me that he's deemed to be an intelligent person in their world. I think the story would be more interesting if I didn't know who's really the villain and, of 'course, if L was the main character.



That's actually true. When I was watching Death Note, I wished the main character was L, but unfortunately, it's still Yagami. I still like it, though.

Well, everything made the anime more interesting.

but unfortunately, it's still Yagami

unfortunately, I don't really see him as a main character. I dropped the manga the moment he killed his dad. I think I would have finished it up until the end if it's in L's pov.

Oh, it's okay. Well, I was also not happy when he killed his father.

We all have our own views about movies and I respect that. Nice to meet you 👍.

If L was there for the final battle! L's departure made me sad. Sure 2 heads are better than one, but that 1 here was the best to orchestrate the plan!

Yeah I heard it ( I didn't finished the manga nor the anime because I'm really disappointed with the main character). Although it was satisfying to know that Light dies later, it was disappointing that L dies before him. I really thought he wouldn't die, but I guess I did spare my self from another disappointment the moment I dropped the anime and manga.

It was really good tho, but ending was far from satisfying.

I would suggest you to finish the anime though 😅

There are several characters that I could think of, but I don't necessarily think that the main character doesn't deserve the spotlight. I just like the supporting character more than the main one. In Dia no Ace, the main catcher Miyuki Kazuya is a great character, but for some reasons, I love to see more of Takigawa Chris Yuu. Chris-senpai deserved more screen time!!! T_T

Well, if I start thinking about characters that deserved more prominence, the first one that comes to my mind is Levi, from Attack on Titan. It would be interesting a series where his mysterious past, his relationship with Erwin and his role as leader of the Legion of Reconnaissance. To be able to follow the plot through the eyes of this veteran soldier, I would love it. ❤️🙌

I can totally agree with this! Levi is such a cool character that definitely need his own show

Yeah! That would be amazing! Also I think Erwin had potential also. Actually almost all the characters from AoT can come to spotlight I guess.

Lupin in Aria the Scarlet Ammo should have gotten a spinoff instead of what came out (Aria AA). The Yuri romance subplot (only teased, mind you) between her and Aria Holmes (her rival and main heroine) could have been an interesting avenue to explore further. Bring back the Chimera too!!!

For me that character will always be Vegeta; I think the prince of the Saiyajins has all the elements to star in a saga whether it is in any part of history, canonical or not, so important and the potential of this extremely proud character who has changed his motives or influences in his life to be a better warrior. Hopefully at some point, without obviating the loss of Kishimoto, a story will develop that pays homage to what this character is.

Satoru Gojo (Jujutsu Kaisen)

I like genius characters. Shikamaru Nara from Naruto could be an MC in that world. He has his own struggles, comedic moments and love story. He could have been a better Hokage since a leader need not be the strongest. He has to be smart and use his pieces/soldiers (like how he plays Shogi) to win.

Akame from akame ga kill
The anime was actually named after her, but she was a side character. The only time we got to see her more was when she fought her sister and her fight in the last episode.
I Love You GIF

This is a really tough choice. I think the character that should have been the mc is Sukuna from JJK. Are you guys keeping up with the manga!? Shii is crazy and I have no idea what's going on fr. I feel JJK should have started with tbe backstory of Sukuna or a hint of something like that then he'd dissapear for us to see him in like episode 4 with the same entrance he had in the first episode of JJK season 1. Would've been crazy good. Itadori is a lovely sweet mc but nah, would have been fire with our mc being Sukuna fr. Though, the way the manga's going,looks like he was the main character actually!! Cause I have no idea what's there to create again if Sukuna is eventually defeated. That'll just be the end of JJK fr. Another reason why Gege is extending this Sukuna fight thing. Low-key,I think Sukuna was actually the main character. This is only a theory I've come up with though,it wasn't talked about or specified in the manga...