
I watched the first few episodes because I got hooked with the storyline, plus the guy characters are hella cute. 😆😍 But suddenly, I cleaned my bookmark and accidentally erased the tab and forgot to watch hahaha. Too bad no second season. 😣 Great review!


Si, el diseño de los personajes es muy lindo. Pues si, lamentablemente no continuaron con la historia. Gracias! Saludos 🤗

Yes, the design of the characters is very nice. Well yes, unfortunately they didn't continue the story. Thank you! Regards 🤗


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@jijisaurart(2/10) tipped @yaslenysofia

I love this story, Yona is the clear example of an incredible evolution, from being a spoiled and capricious girl obsessed with her hair, to a warrior that no one can pass over her, her development and evolution was the best I've seen in all the anime I've been watching 😍

It's a pity they haven't continued it, it's a shocking story with too many mysteries, the plot in the manga has given unexpected turns and endless emotions, hopefully someday they will continue it.

Esa evolución de Yona es de las mejores que he visto también y amo a todos los personajes. Yo siempre espero actualización del manga. 😅

That evolution of Yona is one of the best I've seen too and I love all the characters. I always look forward to manga update. 😅

I had this manga in my reading list for a while now. I gotta try reading it😍

El dibujo del manga es hermoso y vale la pena leerlo.

The drawing of the manga is beautiful and worth reading.

la historia y la animación me encanta, que malo que no siguió el anime, la manga la tengo atrasada jeje debo ponerme al día

I love the story and the animation, too bad I didn't follow the anime, the manga is behind me hehe I must catch up.

La manga ha dado giros inesperados. Hay que ponerse al día 😁

The sleeve has taken unexpected turns. There's some catching up to do 😁.

It's a pity that they didn't continue with the manga animation after the first season, I find that strange because this story and its characters look quite interesting.

Thanks for sharing. Best regards!

Si, no entiendo porque, sé que en su momento ya el anime se estaba acercando mucho al manga, pero ahora si pueden darle continuidad a la historia y no lo hacen, frustra mucho. Gracias por comentar mi post 😊

Yeah, I don't understand why, I know at the time already the anime was getting very close to the manga, but now if they can give continuity to the story and they don't, it frustrates a lot. Thanks for commenting on my post 😊