
Hello Yasleny! What a pleasure to have you here.

One question, where did you get the following information from?


Please add the source of the website where you got this data.

Thanks for sharing!

Ready, I've already put it 😊

Listo, ya la puse 😊

Perfect, next time it is better not to copy and paste information. Thank you for being part of the community.

Había leído que en las reseñas se ponía ese tipo de información, no se consideraba como tal plagio porque era información común, incluso iniciando en ver esta comunidad vi post asi, por ese motivo lo había puesto. Discúlpeme eso, bueno cada día se aprende algo nuevo. Muchas gracias.

I had read that in the reviews that kind of information was put, it was not considered as such plagiarism because it was common information, even starting to see this community I saw post like that, for that reason I had put it. Excuse me for that, well every day you learn something new. Thank you very much.

Hi Yasleny. It is true that there is some information of interest that we can add to the post to make clear who is the author or mangaka, even the animation studio, that is basically giving credits, but it is not advisable to extend so much this information extracted from Wikipedia. Please, don't take our suggestion wrong, it was with love 😉. Let's move on, see you!

No, no lo tome por nada malo, más bien como una buena sugerencia a algo que creí bien. Muchas gracias 🤗

No, I didn't take it for anything bad, more like a good suggestion to something I thought right. Thank you very much 🤗

Romance with a little bit of fantasy? Or fantasy with a little bit of romance?
The way they made the animation seems nice, now I just have to know what to expect in the plot - if it's more of a romance type or a fantasy type. hehe

Un poco de aquí, un poco de allá, es romántica, pero sucede tantas cosas que el romance como que se va acoplando a lo que se va dando en la historia. La animación es buena hasta casi al final, que como lo hicieron muy apresurado. Igual vale la pena ver.

A little bit of here, a little bit of there, it's romantic, but so many things happen that the romance kind of fits in with what's going on in the story. The animation is good until near the end, which is kind of rushed. It's still worth watching.

Interesting! Let me have a look at this anime then 😊

Me parece muy interesante cómo el anime aborda temas de guerra, poder y el deber de los nobles de proteger a su pueblo. Me llama la atención esa mezcla de acción, drama, fantasía y romance. Parece ser una serie bastante compleja y con mucho potencial. La anotare, saludos! ❤️

Si, tiene de todo un poco. Aunque si hubiese preferido que lo abordaran a mas profundidad y paulatinamente, siento que el anime habría sido épico. Gracias por pasar por mi post. Saludos! 🤗

Yes, it has a little bit of everything. Although if I would have preferred if they had approached it in more depth and gradually, I feel the anime would have been epic. Thanks for stopping by my post. Cheers! 🤗