
la historia se ve buena, y la animación bonita, excelente post!

the story looks good, and the animation nice, excellent post!

Es una historia interesante, eso si. Gracias!

It's an interesting story, that's for sure. Thank you!

It's weird because it looks super harmless but then you see the horror part with the supernatural imagery and it grabs another color. I didn't know it honestly, it looks interesting. The ecchi images thing is nothing new, Japanese people are always looking for where to put them no matter the context, I would think it's part of their culture or idiosyncrasy or that they are just weird and that's it.

Si, me gustó como generaron ese contraste entre lo que es real y los espíritus. Si, es algo de su cultura, pero en esta se pasaron un poco, igual no le resta a lo interesante de la historia. 😉

Yes, I liked how they generated that contrast between what is real and the spirits. Yes, it's something of their culture, but in this one they went a little too far, but it doesn't detract from the interestingness of the story 😉.

Este no es de mis animes de terror favoritos, pero el diseño de los fantasmas llama mucho la atención, la verdad.

Excelente reseña.

Tampoco es de mis favoritos, aunado que no me gusta mucho este genero, he visto mejores, pero vale la pena, por la narrativa que se plantea. Muchas gracias 😊

It's not one of my favorites either, added to the fact that I don't like this genre very much, I've seen better ones, but it's worth it, because of the narrative that is put forward. Thank you very much 😊