Future of the Hive Blockchain according to midjourney ai

in Alien Art Hivelast year (edited)

Prompt: the future of the hive blockchain - Upscaled by <@313844223139119114> (fast)

Its nice to just let the ai show what it thinks of a a vague question like "the future of hive blockchain" and see the cinematic future visions it thinks we want to see like this




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Heres a steampunk bee hive logo



maaaan a midjourney type ai art bot in the hive comments that earmed upvotes and had you pay a small amount of hive/hbd or a hive engine token would be perfect for hive -with a way to pay in advanced for x amount or pay a subscription to get 1 free illustration for each hive blog post you make by using a front end or having a discord bot post to your hive blog or give a bot your posting permission to edit and add an image ...a frontnend is the best solution tho... a front end nitrous site that changes its appearance based on ai chat gpt html design edits haha

But yeah a special bot that posts blogs for you with a midjourney ai illustration based on your blog post would be nice

Also a hive fork thats completely run by bots that are witnesses and run the proposal system and do all the posting and do all the voting and curation

Hah imagine a hive fork that literally only has bot accounts doing the posts and voting and you can register your bot to get an account and it can replicate itself and give out nee accounts only to other bots by making a token that can only send a transaction with machine learning or something hah i dunno

Just a hive fork where accounts are all bots and it would be centralized would still be an interesting idea... human users coukd just be downvoted i guess and upvotes would only go to other bots and a human user detected would get an automated downvote lol


I love these text2 image ai, too.

Interesting stuff!

The site imgur.io allows you to prompt an image generating model (probably Stable Diffusion) from a comment so it can definitely be done. Though I personally don't know where to begin with implementing something like that. Solid idea though.

The bot-only Hive front-end would be massively entertaining — just to see what would come out of it. Though I think it would need some form of human involvement, even just in the beginning, to possibly train the upvoting Generative Adversarial Network to align with human judgements of 'quality.' The system would just create mountains of nonsense otherwise, methinks.

Would amount to an enormous vicarious popularity contest. A bit like autonomous vehicle racing, in essence (seen that?) where the cars aren't controlled directly but programmed before the race to start, navigate and finish, on their own. Your idea is similar to a degree with the "ban" on human accounts. The role of people would be limited to tweaking their algorithms on the 'outside' before sending them back in to the scrum... Mental imagery of software gladiators or boxers, being coached (trained) by humans, then into the colosseum to compete against all the others.

Of course, it would be nothing like that really. Current ML algos can't be changed easily once they're trained. The nascent field of 'Machine Unlearning' is working on it, though.


Your post has also triggered an old, related memory... I came across a paper years ago that described how a fully autonomous image hosting system could work. It talked about the system scouting for cheaper web hosting iteratively and moving itself around. Tried finding it again just now but no luck. It was a good read...