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RE: Grimes NFT @web-gnar and I are working on is EVOLVING

in Alien Art Hive3 years ago (edited)

oh shit wow

try removng the temple bg plate plz!

need kathara grids smaler 50%+- remove outdated colrs, make it siler likedress - precise ratio not stretched, also make very opaque

A. needs wax and telos logos

eth logo should be purple, and hive logo and eth logo should be much smaller, and needs the small wax nlogo and telos dot there too

ok atomichub makes me do 10 at a time

need 3 types, put these marker shapes, no text, in bottom right

rare - pink star

medium - purple dot

common - red triangle


grimes 7.gif

ok make sure everything is right. (hold on i added lightsweep to the background and to the kathara grids individually) so i gotta upload another one for you soon.
i understand you want three versions, one with each little shape in the corner.
understand too, that the colors are all compressed because its a GIF. the movie file looks a lot better
will you be issuing it as a movie file? I will need to send you those.
any last minute adjustments?
do you like the moving alien text? or should i keep it stationary at the top?
logos smalleR?
do you want the kathara grids to be swaying like grimes? i tried that out it looked better flat. too distracting with the grids moving

OH can you make me ONE MORE with a DIFFERENt grimes? same template, make this one a common rarity

and LIGHTER pink color outline, text and grimes dragon logo to differentiate, but same template, no kathara grids just the trivecas


and this in background too but a transparent layer like overlayed or darken or whatever



background image:

giphy (26).gif

and also maybe we can fix that BOTOM FONT so the "asset id" part looks better? maybe instead of asset id it should say "METAVERSE-ID"
and the DISCORD MEMBERSHIP part should be a lil mroe clear i dunno, i cant complain but thats teh LAST PART i feel needs fixing and yeah

having them all with perfect templates finished means we can pump out a few more have a set of grimes nfts so peoepl can collect

just use telegram to send full size MP4's to if possible later

ackza final.gif

ok so you want the text at the bottom more legible?
metaverse-ID instead of "asset"

ok so should it say:



ok and make the kathara grids more transparent, and desaturated. got it.... and yes i can make them rotate on their Y axis

ya and make kathaar grids real small, maybe should be up at top or lower at bottom so it doenst take away from grimes layer

OH and throw one of THESE REALLY small in the bottom next to the S in grimes, down, here


in this triangle space


ok here is the update

grimes 10.gif
see how grimes is glowing white/yellow on her border? i could change that color to something darker to make her pop out more. like maybe park purple or black. but it also looks way better as a movie file than a gif
