Zodiac NFTCard: Capricorn β™‘ available in Nftshowroom now ✨

in Alien Art Hive β€’ last year

a Christmas child, the Capricorn is

Heyho guys, #alienart crew, #comic fans, dearest #artists and #readers, hope you are all well.

Today I present you the #capricorn #NFTCards

But what are my new NFTs about?

I'm dedicating this #NFTart to the theme of #zodiac signs. I started with August-Leo because I started with it in August πŸ˜œπŸ™πŸΌ so the last card will show up in July 2023, cancer one.

Each zodiac sign will get 3 different images aka cards. Like always limited edition.
3 of 3. I love number 3.

3 different zodiac cards, each available 3 times, starting with 3 #swaphive then 6 and then 9. That is my plan.
Got it. The magic numbers 3 6 9...hahaha. Like Tesla said once upon a time...

So at all 12 signs x 3 cards (every sign) will be in total 36 #Zodiak #NFTCards.
Woouuuhooouu πŸ’ƒ

you can collect them or just get your own zodiac sign in a nice #NFTart or you can get one and sent to another user as a birthday gift with their zodiac sign. Whatever you wanna do.

As you see maybe, at the right side is always a short sentence about the zodiac. even if one zodiac has 3 cards styles... the art design aka drawings/ paintings and the sentence will be always different. so if you collect all 3 you have all sentences about one zodiac sign and all available images I created.

thumbnail Capricorn.jpg

So now for the Capricorn born ones

December 22 – January 19

The last sign of the zodiac is the earth sign, Capricorn. Just before Christmas, this sign begins. A true Christmas gift, isn't it?

Capricorn is well-known to have fearless ambition. They are seemingly indestructible. Capricorns have the ability to keep moving forward even under tremendous adversity and painful conflict.

In every Capricorn, besides the serious side, there is also a mischievous troublemaker. Yes, this earth sign may seem a bit conservative and reserved at first glance, but those who know Capricorns know they can really party.

Interestingly, Capricorns are said to age backwards: they become more youthful, optimistic and playful as they age. So like a Benjamin Button πŸ˜…πŸ˜.

Capricorns are relentless and very determined. People in this sign are determined to overcome anything that stands in their way. They have big, long-term goals and definitely don't want to be held back by pesky details or superfluous information. However, this very quality sometimes makes Capricorns come across as cold, unemotional, or even cutthroat.

The planetary ruler of Capricorn is Saturn.

What is the most valuable resource for you? For a Capricorn, the answer is Cristal clear: Time, Time and again TIME.

Capricorns are climbing the mountain straight to the top and they know pretty well that patience, perseverance, and dedication is the only way to scale. Time is in their side.

The last earth sign of the zodiac, in December, Capricorn, is represented by the so called sea-goat, a mythological and mysterious creature with the body of a goat and the tail of a fish a bit like a mermaid, a goatmaid. Accordingly, Capricorns are skilled at navigating both the material and emotional realms.

Here are my Zodiac Cards

Zodiac NFTCard NΒ° #1



Zodiac NFTCard NΒ° #2



Zodiac NFTCard NΒ° #3



the pictures are screenshots of the original png files

Next one will be... You know that, see you next month

Keep on checking out my gallery if you don't wanna miss them!

Feel free to leave a comment.
Hope you like it.
Have a great day guys.

Your @akida aka TrinityArt


Check out all of my NFT Art here:


TrinityArt logo feed.gif

nftshowroom logo gif 1.gif

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How are you dear friend @akida good day
What a great idea, to represent the zodiac with your beautiful works, I'm a cancer, I have to wait until July to see what you do for my sign
I take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas

Merry merry Christmas my dear friend @jlufer πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸ€ΆπŸŽŠπŸŒ²πŸŽ‰β›„β„οΈwishing you and your family the best harmonious time. Hope you can relax and njoy this happy time.

Aaah july born one. Niiice. Lets see what for cards will show up. Hive hugs to ya

Well done my friend.
I'm sargitario and very well represent on your arts.
My favorite is: https://nftshowroom.com/gallery/akida_trinityart-zodiac-nftcards_3-sagittarius

Have a great new year passage.

Ola, tudo bem my dear?
Aaaw you are sagittarius? How beautiful. Sending you a biiiiiiiiig hiiive huuuuuuug πŸ™πŸΌβœ¨πŸŽΆπŸ’―πŸ€— happy new year to you tooooo. AxΓ© lindaaaaa πŸ’ͺπŸΌπŸŽΆπŸ’―πŸ’•πŸŽŠβœ¨πŸŽ‰βœ¨

Muito axΓ© nesse novo ano. 😊 πŸ™

Feliz Ano Novo, cara amiga βœ¨πŸŽΆπŸ’―βœ¨πŸŽΆπŸŽ‰βœ¨πŸŽŠ
May all your dreams come true. Axé and Beijinhos 🎢🎢🎢🎢

@lucianaabrao its yours my friend 😘 to my artfully sargitario


from one heart to the other. And as a gift for your gift 😸

AXΓ‰! πŸ™πŸ˜πŸ’œ

AXΓ‰!!!! πŸ€—βœ¨πŸ’―πŸ˜˜πŸŽ‰

Great work, @professur will be launching ape nfts on hive blockchain using nfts show room for sale love to see it move like this

Thank you for your feedback. Merry Christmas πŸŽ„πŸ€ΆπŸŽ…πŸŒ²πŸŽŠπŸŽπŸ’―β„οΈβ˜ƒοΈπŸŽ¨πŸ˜Š

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

Merry Christmas Akida, I hope you are having a good time in Lisboa :)


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