Alien Art Hive Weekly Community Abductions 65

in Alien Art Hive2 years ago
Authored by @castleberry

~ Alien Incubation ~

Greetings fellow Alien Artisans and welcome to the community incubation curation Mothership Transmission.

Here, each week, it will be our pleasure to abduct and feature some of your original artwork from the community to highlight.

Please consider taking some time to check out the featured Alien Artists and support their work.

Alien Art Hive has been part of the OCD Community Incubation Program since May 2020! This has really helped our little community grow and reward tons of amazing artists! At the time of this post we have 2962 subscribers!


Continue to share your creativity and artistic endeavors here in the community for your chance to get your work Abducted for Alien Incubation and Curation. We will try to spread the Alien Honey as far and wide as we can.

~ This Week's Abductions ~

Alien ArtistPost Link
@teodoro2dMYSTERY ?!



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@lavistaSome AI animations




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@jnn10Alien Heart Grab



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@xnabArtificial Intelligence


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@eve66Butterfly - New tokenized art








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@ceciliad.artFOREST DANCE 💫



Alien ArtistPost Link
@felixicarus000GANDALF THE GRAY 2020


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Alien ArtistPost Link







~ What is Alien Art Hive about? ~

You can read about the community and our guidelines here:
Alien Art Hive / Community Updates and Rules

~ NFT Showroom and Alien Art Hive! ~

As most of you may know, we launched our own NFT Art platform here on Hive called NFT Showroom! You can mint and sell your own original artwork or buy and collect art you appreciate in the Showroom. We would love for this community to be a hub for NFT related activities so as you may have noticed NFT / cryptoart / metaverse was added to the accepted content!

If you haven't visited the site yet check it out here:

Follow the account for more info: @nftshowroom

Join the NFT Showroom discord server from the link below to connect.


~ Connect on Discord ~

If you have any questions or just want to say hello feel free to pop into the Alien Art Hive or NFT Showroom discord! It's also integrated on peakd so you can say hello right from your browser.

Automation has been set up in the Alien Art Discord server, so everything that is posted to the community gets brought into the alien-art-alerts channel! It also gets tweeted, you can follow the account here and support by retweeting!

Click the invite link here to join the Alien Art Hive discord
Click the invite link here to join the NFT Showroom discord

~ Follow Us On Twitter ~

For all of the updates you need to stay up to speed on everything happening across the interwebs and on Hive, follow us on Twitter.


Thanks for joining the Mothership for this week's

Alien Art Hive Abductions!

Transmission over and out...

alien hive.jpg


Great selection thanks for sharing 👍🏾 congratulations to al artists featured here 👏🏾

This was an incredible and diverse selection! Thanks for mentioning it.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful selection keep up the great work 👏🏾 I hope that you have a wonderful day today and a great week ahead 👊🏾

I hope you have an awesome day and a great rest of your week too!

Thanks 👍🏾

Wow, so much excellent artwork on this post. Alien Art Hive is pretty cool, thanks for including me!

You're most welcome! Your art was a beautiful contribution! Make sure and check your comments when you get time. Keep up the great work and welcome back! =)

Awesome collection of art from great artists! This really keeps the creative juices flowing, thanks for featuring me as well!

You almost got in there another time with your latest post! hahaha Keep the juices flowing and express that creativity! Thanks for your contributions!

Muchísimas gracias por su apoyo que emoción 😊😊😊 saludos y mucho éxito a todos los escogidos.

Por lo general, no seleccionamos material con publicaciones cruzadas, pero el suyo fue una excepción. Para una mejor oportunidad de curación, podría considerar publicar directamente en esta comunidad. Gracias por tu contribución.

Hello hello... Cheers to another week of great art, looking forward to more this week.

This was an amazing week of art. Yours was one of my favorites. Keep up the grat work.

😊 Thank you so so

An amazing collection of works. I think this episode has been the most diverse and wild. I love vivid colors and projects that, upon first glance, make you stop and think for a moment. I must head on over and check this out as I've been busy this week.

Thanks for including my fractal and story as one of the projects you abducted this week.

Much appreciated. Take care, and have a good start to your new week.

I have to agree that this was one of the most diverse collections/abductions so far! I am glad that you found some of the art to be thought provoking. Thank you for your contribution and i hope you have an awesome week! Cheers

Alien Art Hive has filled with good content. Thank you for your appreciation.

It's getting better all the time! Thanks for your contribution and kind words.

Thanks for mentioning me 😁 Its really made my day 👍

Thanks for your awesome contribution. Keep up the awesome art! =)

Glad to made a small contribution for this amazing community. I'll do my best ✊😁

Any contribution is better than no contribution! =) All are appreciated.

Good morning friends (it's 9:30 am here), it's great to drink my fresh cup of coffee browsing the work of these great artists. Congratulations to all and thanks for the support! ✌️

I hope you enjoyed your coffee and your browsing. There was a lot to see this time around for sure! =)

I enjoyed it my friend, there were many interesting things. Now I am enjoying a tangerine tea. Cheers!

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

Thank you very much, it is an honor for me to be part of this wonderful list, congratulations to everyone !!!

You had a most excellent contribution! Thank you for sharing your art here with us and keep up the great work. =)

thank you so much for the mentioning! ;)

Thanks for your colorful and creative contribution!

Thank you so much :)

You are very welcome! =)