Splinterlands Art Contest - Week 293 - Bramble Pixie

Hello there, everybody. It's another Friday which means it's time for another Splinterlands Art Contest entry. This week we have Bramble Pixie taking the honors, and it was a blast drawing her from start to finish.

Bramble Pixie is one of the cards that is super angry in its original game art. Despite her small build and adorable design, she was made to look furious, that's why I chose to alter her design for change and portray a more gentle side of her.

Also, I redesigned her physical form a little bit, such as changing her hairstyle and her horns which I turned into a decoration of leaves for her hair - in short, I tried keeping the color palette the same, while doing some minor adjustments here and there. (You might have noticed a pattern of me working with color palettes and changing designs in my last few entries... that's a field that I've become fascinated with recently and the tutorials I watch online have shifted towards that area too :D)

Lastly, I wasn't too sure about her background either, the black one looked fine to me, but at the same time, it was somewhat lonely and empty. While I like the result better, I think it could be improved in a way too. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this matter or anything else you have on your mind - the comments are open to everyone. Anyways, that's it for this week's entry. See you all in the next one... cheers~

The Process

The Result

Original Card Art


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