Cosmic Creations: 🌸✨🌈 SᗩҠƱŔᗩ ĿĪƓĤƬ ƇᗩṖƬ💛Ŕ 🌈✨🌸 SPA/ENG

in Alien Art Hive5 months ago (edited)

WhatsApp Image 2024-01-02 at 22.22.26.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2024-01-02 at 22.22.25 (1).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2024-01-02 at 22.22.25.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2024-01-02 at 22.22.26 (1).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2024-01-02 at 22.22.26 (2).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2024-01-02 at 22.22.26 (4).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2024-01-02 at 22.22.26 (5).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2024-01-02 at 22.22.26 (6).jpeg

🌸✨🌈 SᗩҠƱŔᗩ ĿĪƓĤƬ ƇᗩṖƬ💛Ŕ 🌈✨🌸

En la pintura, Sakura sostiene con gracia diez bastones, cada uno florecido con la promesa de un nuevo comienzo. Estos bastones, marcados por la simbología del tarot ( el 10 de bastos ), actúan como testigos de un renacimiento representativo, como puentes hacia una transformación profunda.

Desde la penumbra que envuelve el pasado, fantasmas garabateados emergen, disolviéndose gradualmente a medida que la luz ilumina el camino.

Una estela de estrellas adorna la transicion de la oscuridad a la paz. La luz que proyectan estas estrellas ilumina la presencia en la pintura.

Las flores que nacen en los extremos de los bastones son flores de loto que nacieron ded un arbol de sakura. Son un testimonio tangible de la vida que florece después de las épocas oscuras, recordando que, incluso en la adversidad, existe espacio para el crecimiento y la belleza.

La obra se convierte en una celebracion, donde vemos a sakura en la capacidad humana de superar obstáculos, aprender de las confusiones del pasado y abrazar la luz del renacimiento. Cada elemento, desde los bastones florecidos hasta la estela de estrellas, se entrelaza en una pintura genuina hecha con simpleza. 🌸✨🌈💛

🌸✨🌈 SᗩҠƱŔᗩ ĿĪƓĤƬ ƇᗩṖƬ💛Ŕ 🌈✨🌸

In the painting, Sakura gracefully holds ten staffs, each blooming with the promise of a new beginning. These staffs, marked by the symbology of the tarot (the 10 of wands), act as witnesses of a representative rebirth, as bridges towards a profound transformation.

From the gloom that shrouds the past, scribbled ghosts emerge, gradually dissolving as light illuminates the path.

A trail of stars adorns the transition from darkness to peace. The light projected by these stars illuminates the presence in the painting.

The flowers that grow at the ends of the canes are lotus flowers that grew from a sakura tree. They are a tangible testament to life that flourishes after dark times, reminding us that even in adversity, there is room for growth and beauty.

The work becomes a celebration, where we see Sakura in the human capacity to overcome obstacles, learn from the confusions of the past and embrace the light of rebirth. Each element, from the flowering canes to the star trail, is intertwined in a genuine painting done with simplicity. 🌸✨🌈💛

WhatsApp Image 2024-01-02 at 22.22.26 (3).jpeg


Lej go 😃

10 dias despues jaja, Apapachos mi yu!

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 5 months ago  

This is really pretty, thanks for joining the contest 😍

Don't forget to drop a link in the contest post comments!

A nice creation!

Aww thank you Madra! Super big hug for you!

A hug to you too!

Very good painting

Miau thank you mamasita! Hope we can stay in touch!

Wonderful masterpiece ✨️

Thank you my dear! If you have ay idea about a drawing you would like to see, you can tell me also! Big Hugs from Peru!

¡Me encanta! Es precioso. Vi que es para un concurso, así que mucha suerte. ¿Me dirías que concurso es? Quisiera ver las otras participaciones ☺️

Hola querida! Muchas gracias fue algo muy sencillo y rapido la verdad pero bien divertido! El concurso se llama Alien Art y puedes participar segun la tematica que ellos te den! Muchos exitos, espero verte alli!

Hello @amarattafresca A very beautiful and tremendous work... a very profound work has emerged from a simple drawing. Thank you for your post. 😇😇

Aww that's so sweet from you, thank you. It wasn't meant to be such a complicated drawing, in fact i wanted to do it as simple as possible because my normal style it's so much complex! I just wanted to have some fun and refresh the way i relate with myself while doing something i love since im going trough some depression right now, so it's all about having fun and being super nice and healthy with myself <3