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RE: What Shall I Do With My Art?

in Alien Art Hive3 years ago

Wow, sounds like you're really organized and focused in your promotion efforts! That's inspiring!
I was thinking about Deviantart too, but I didn't know if it's still a thing. So obviously it it, right? Maybe I do a bit more research on that.

Thanks again for your advice! <3


Welcome. It's still a thing for young artists trying to explore online. But you have to invest some time marketing yourself and the community there to get anywhere. Being good isn't enough. All these platforms have artists competing for attention and being good isn't enough is an understatement. It's a steep climb as you also need to negotiate with the algorithms on discoverability. The less likes you get as soon as you post you automatically get bumped out of the front page as several posts splurge out by the minute or hour.