Inktober day 7: Drip

in Alien Art Hive8 months ago (edited)

Hey hey! It is day 7 of inktober and I really love the prompt art I did for today. The prompt word for today is drip and when you say drip, there's a lot that comes to mind but I have been admiring honey drip art for years now and thought I should try my hand at it this time around. Like I felt like I could make it look more transparent now because I've had more practice than I have in the past.

Duration: 3 hours cuz I had to get more yellow pen ;;-;;
Materials: Yellow ink, rainbow pen, white gel pen

I love how this one turned out though! Because that drip just came out so thick and golden ;;w;;
I was actually thinking of blood drips because I want to celebrate halloween but I was told that I should add some diversity to my tastes and thus the honey pot XD
It was a most welcomed suggestion though since I enjoyed drawing this a lot. What I didn't enjoy was running to the store at 1 pm because I had to buy another yellow pen. Running to the store is never fun!

As for my progression

I atarted with a very yellow tinted sheet of paper that I had to mix a hint of red with because just yellow itself seemed a little pale and I really wanted to achieve that golden tine since honey is often referred to as liquid gold.
my base for the entire sketch was yellow since it would be the easiest to cover up and the easiest to mix with highlights

then I worked in an orange layer, though i used my new orange pen for that because it was a lot lighter and a lot more transparent than my previous orange pens so it kind of really blended in well with the base yellow and i appreciate that quite a bit UwU

then I worked in a brown layer, again from my new pen set XD cuz that 1.0 mm tip thickness isn't so rough on paper so it just rolls out and inks so smooth and I am in love with these pens 🤣 I have never been in love with a pen set until I've had these ones and this is bad because what would happen if I can't find these again?

Then this is my highlighting phase where I was trying to figure out if I'd lighten out the tint with a yellow highlighter or if it would smoothen out with the yellow pen. Fortunately the latter option was the better option cuz I had to test both out on a different piece of paper first. So that's how I got this more mellow highlight that isn't as powerful as the highlights on my previous works.
It was nice that my boyfriend also noticed how my highlighting improved since this September because he always told me my highlights were so unrealistically too strong that it comes out much shinier than it should be.

This has been my day 7 of inktober! I'll see you guys tomorrow... hopefully with a fixed wifi connection because my wifi rn is buggy and I'm just typing on phone! Thanks for taking the time to stop by!


this is actually very creative since it's made mostly by pens and despite that, the honey really be looking like all that drip 😄 awesomely created, thanks for sharing your work on this!

that is such a cute certificate, thank you 😮😮 it feels like my pets rewarded me or something 😅

Drip, honey, Hive...perfect interpretation 😗🤌

make them money drip drip too 🤣🤣🤣

Yea-uhh!! 💰💧💰

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