There is Beauty in Mystery: My out of this world Digital Art

in Alien Art Hive2 years ago

This is my first time posting in this community and looking thru those arts makes me want to share my own fascination with with everything alien and out of this world. Everyone of us is interested in the unknown, our minds are always mystified by the undiscovered and I am no exception. Everytime I watch the news or scour my newsfeed, I am always hooked on the supernatural. When I tried digital arts a couple of months ago, some of the few pieces were otherworldly. You see, there is beauty in mystery. ​Let me share with you those beautiful arts and their titles.

Anselmos Fire


The Butterfly Effect


Inside the Mind of an Angel


The Guardians of the Outside World


Some of us may find it mysterious and some may not and find it mundane. But on most occassion all of us may iterpret it differently. If you have deeper interpretation of one of the pieces, please comment down below, and I will give the original copy to the comment that has the best interpretation based on my judgement.


Grabe nga talent 👏👏👏

Thanks. Ahw. Hahaha chesmess ra na..

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I like how the 'Inside the Mind of an Angel' looks like the archetype of the grey alien. Welcome to the Alien Art Hive Community!

Thanks. I will post more of my arts in the coming days , im also learning the rope of minting it for nft