Splinterlands Art Contest Week 271 // Undead Rexx Brother's KAWAII

in Alien Art Hive5 months ago

rex nine ten.jpg

It transports us to a world where dinosaurs take on a kawaii appearance, with big, expressive eyes, and adorable details on their scaly skin. Despite their prehistoric nature, the dinosaurs are presented in a charming way, carrying with them an aura of friendship and fun. The background can be a colorful landscape full of playful elements.


Adobe Illustrator 2018

I start the layout of the dinosaur brothers

rex three.png

rex two.jpg

rex one.jpg

Color filling the different dinosaur brothers

rex six.jpg

rex five.jpg

rex four.jpg

I add details to our dinosaurs, lights and shadows

rex nine.jpg

rex 888.jpg

rex seven.jpg

Finishing by adding a curved background of two colors, with a texture, in addition to details such as the hearts between the dinosaurs, each one fits into its position, the one on the left laughing, the one in the center in the shape of tenderness waiting for a hug, and the one on the left. the right waving

rex nine ten.jpg



Undead Rexx.png