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RE: Bathroom singer

in Alien Art Hivelast year (edited)

I am glad that you are back posting again, as i said before, but i think you are aware that it is HEAVILY frowned upon to 'recycle' content. You have posted all of these posts before and have already earned well from curation on those posts from a year ago.

I will ask you ONCE, politely, to not post anything that you have already shared on Hive or Steemit before. Your content must be new or have enough additionally added content as to merit it as 'NEW' content. Reposting the same old posts with the same content and art for secondary rewards is considered abuse of the rewarding system.

You have been on the chain long enough that i am sure you already know this information and are very aware of this negative behavior.

I love your art and would hate to have to take punitive actions toward your account and posts.

  • And a little advice moving forward, DO NOT DELETE or EDIT your recycled posts. Leave them as is and just correct your behavior moving forward. Deleting or editing your recycled posts will look very bad. I say this for your benefit.

Thank you for your comment.

I see that I had already posted mine.

It was a mistake on my part.

We appreciate your pointing this out.

We will post a new piece from today.

Thank you. Do keep track of what you have already posted. Many just downvote and blacklist accounts that do that. Even if it was a mistake. Glad i caught you in time to correct your behavior before the big accounts took a notice. Good luck