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RE: The Forest Chronicles

in Alien Art Hive3 years ago

I love that you have your own lore going and that it all coordinates. @dbddv01 had a really cool series with a music-inspired theme. You may have seen that series he had a while back... if not you should definitely go check it out on his blog. =)

I find it so satisfying that everyone is getting inspired in their own ways about their own creativity and processes over these AI endeavors. It is almost as if we are being prompted rather than the other way around! hahhaa

I haven't splurged yet for the Google Colab Pro. I got that error when i tried to do the original size i wanted to do the art and video in which was 720x480. I usually end up with the K80 gpu when i connect... so i don't know if the gpu has anything to do with it or maybe how many iterations you set it for? I definitely don't get 12hrs so maybe it just cuts my time back to compensate? i have no idea really.... hahhaha


I will surely check out his music inspired series.
You are so right about it seeming as if the AI is prompting us, I had mentioned a similar thing in one of my posts too. I most definitely started writing for the public to see after I started generating these images with AI :).
I just tried again to test and indeed there were no errors with the 640x 480 size. Maybe I had got a P4 GPU and I might not have paid attention when I got the error....
Thank you so much for your support :)