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RE: Did I just sell out?

in Alien Art Hivelast year

Yeah when I saw the end I was like whoa lol cool edits.

A little bit! We’ve been doing a lot of indoor rock climbing these past few months on the weekends so that occupies most of our time and some fishing instead of going to the beach as often as we were. My wife takes him during the week after his lessons are done which is good but I don’t know if they’ve had any success in getting some crabs yet. High tide right now is right in the middle of the day so it throws a wrench into things lol. I’m going to miss the rock climbing though, in the summer we are pausing the membership since we will be going to the beach instead. Makes sense but the exercise I’ve been getting there is awesome! I don’t go to the gym anymore right now since it takes away from family time but rock climbing was a good alternative lol


Oh man, that's cool that you've been rock climbing and it makes sense to kill two birds with one stone and NOT have to pay a gym membership. He must dig it too. I hadn't even thought about the tide table and having to take that into account. I'd be a crap fisherman 🤣

Will be nice to see what you guys find once you start the beach adventures again.

Sneak peak. Warm weather here so he went to the beach with my wife!
