Maid Chloe ⚔️ Character design

in Alien Art Hivelast year

Hello to everyone who paid attention to my art!

Today I decided to share casual graphics with you.

Casual graphics is a genre of game graphics in which all elements (shapes and textures) have low detail.

Casual graphics are often called "cartoon" because of the simplification of shapes, textures, as well as because of artistic exaggeration or understatement within the visual.

Features of casual graphics:

⚔️ Low form detail;
⚔️ Low texture detail;
⚔️ Exaggeration or understatement of proportions.


Sometimes I will share this with you. Because I want to learn this style. He's interesting, I love everything related to cartoon graphics.

I've already shared it in my portfolio:


This is a small part of the whole process, I can show you and explain the whole detailed process. Although I don't understand much about it and I study by video.

This character was inspired by Noelle. This is a character from another anime game called "Genshin Impact".





This turned out really nice! You should do art more often!