[ Fusion of matter and antimatter ]

in Alien Art Hivelast month

Hello friends of art of all arts. Today I am going to present to you a small creation which will merge an AI image and a photograph taken in a city. In creating this representation, I wanted to accentuate or even saturate the colors to give more depth to the AI ​​image. But the result was not what I expected. Discoveries are often made by Hazare. This Hazard who created this creation allowed me to further open my interest in the fusion of AI images and realistic photography. I preferred black and white. It was through research and testing that this image came out as is.

It even gives the idea of ​​trying to engrave the representation on metal or even wood. But for that I have to find someone around me who has a laser engraver. If I don't find one I will definitely invest to test the consept.

As it stands, this image is not very interesting, many faults appear and in everything that I generate as an image it would have been directly in the trash. But now I look at his poor quality images as an interesting resource which will allow me to create different, less precise works. I also admit that I have no choice but thanks to this I am going on a new path in my art.

I have no choice because image creation is very time-consuming for very good quality images and incurred when they have default the resolution is very low and I have to rework this one with a higher resolution with other software that arranges or not the images. Sometimes raising the resolution makes the image worse and unfortunately ends up in the trash. Now I dig through the trash and even scrape the edges and it suits me well. I hope you are all well and I wish you a great week.



It's the second time I write about dark matter! Check out the new series called Black matter, I think it's so interesting! So you are in time with your creation!

thank you very much for your very pleasant message

The fusion looks fabulous and the alternating colours are super!!!!😍

Thank you avdesing for your excellent message

Thanks to you for such a nice and original work!

!discovery 28

Gracias mi amigo @jlinaresp por tu continuo apoyo.

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I love how the two blended well. The female outline can be seen clearly while presenting an ethereal view of an angel overlooking the city. Nicely done with your choice of colors. I love the first version.

Thanks for sharing. Take care.

Thank you @justclickindiva for this interesting and detailed analysis