The Levels of Daltono - Custom Artwork

in Alien Art Hive2 years ago


Undoubtedly my favorite new feature introduced with iOS 16 was the ability to remove subjects from the background of photos. It's now as easy as pressing your finger on the person or object and then dragging that cut out to be used elsewhere. The only annoying thing about it is that currently, you have to send the image to yourself through iMessage to be able to save it. Luckily, that trick does work and hopefully, they will make it easier to save in the future.

If you want a visual explanation of how this new feature works, then watch this short video.

Although the background removal has a few quirks, overall it works quite well. 99% of the time my subject is removed from the background flawlessly. Occasionally it will attach a shadow or something, but not too often. Even a busy background likely won't confuse the software. The easiest way to guarantee it will work is to have your subject against a solid background.

I'm used to having to manually trace subjects in Photoshop just to remove them from their original background. Apple has made this process so much easier for me and I rely on this new feature quite heavily now. Today I'd like to share with you some of the results of my making use of the background removal feature.

I've created 5 different self-portrait artworks. These were actually all designed on my iPhone, which is pretty amazing. I used the native background removal feature and combined that with a new background image using an app called Union. The result is 5 distinctly different images of myself in various scenes.

The first image is in black and white and features an escalating hallway that I found to look quite exquisite. I think it's my favorite of the bunch and happens to be the only one without my nipple in it. Well, almost.

Photo two is a tropical rainforest scene. This brings me back to my two weeks in Puerto Rico by myself back in 2018. Being out in nature is pretty much always great, but I find it best in a tropical setting.

As we move on to three, it's a busy downtown area with lots of moving vehicles creating unique light trails. I have been living in a downtown area for a few years now. Although it is nowhere near as busy as this scene, I think it represents where I currently am staying quite well and I love the colors.

The fourth is the most simple of the bunch. This one features the night sky and many of its stars. It ranks at the bottom, at least for me since it's not quite as colorful or surreal as the rest. I still like it or I wouldn't have included it today.

Last but not least is the colorful galactic nebula. I absolutely love how colorful this one is and I feel as though it goes extremely well with my tattoos. This is one of my better poses too.

You may also notice these images will be at the bottom of most of my future blogs in the form of a page footer.

I'd love to know which of these you think is the coolest. Comment and let me know.

Thanks for stopping by and viewing a few of my creations.

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Your body is an art in itself because of so many tattoos. I love them! I imagine each one has its own story. my favorites are the dragon, the diver and the one next to the diver, it's adorable.

That is the best compliment and was my original plan when first starting to get tattoos. I wanted to become walking art. The dragon was my first and still seems to be one of my best. I love that deep sea diver too though. I could never pick a favorite, I love them all.

Your photos are really cool, and everything is really cool. There's no doubt about the features that Apple provides, right? It becomes very easy for those who already have it.

My favorite is your first black-and-white photo; it's very cool and blends well with the background. It looks like there was no editing at all, Bro. It's like you're really in that stairwell. So cool.
Perfect job, my brother!

Your tattoo is also cool; it must have its own meaning for you. About your "nipples," I really won't comment on them here. !LOL

Now if only Apple would mimic Google phone's ability to magically erase things from the photo.

I love that black and white photo. I have wondered if people would even realize that one was an edit or just think it was a regular photo. I'm glad you pointed that out.

We will pretend the nipples are not there 😉

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LOL, these are awesome. My wife has messed around with the new IOS features. I still haven't gotten around to it. That first black and white photo is awesome.

Thanks man. It sure saves me a lot of time when editing images. Very easy to use too.

Another thing I just noticed is that macOS 13 just came out today, which means that finally I can use continuity camera with my iMac. It makes it to where your iPhone can be your webcam wirelessly and it works so well.

very cool work. I especially like the last background.

Thanks man! That last one sure is colorful.

I predicted that this feature of the iPhone would be great, and seeing it live proved my thoughts right. The photos fit very well in the background. My favorite is the last one. It's funny to think of you standing in space and smiling.

I expected it to work 50% of the time, but I swear it's only failed me like once or twice and I've used it so much since upgrading to iOS 16.

Amazing pictures! And actually sometimes when I take a selfie with my phone that is when I see some features meant for editing. It's cool to have these tools to use easily.

My favorite 🤗 is the first one. I love the black n white feature. It's smooth and makes you appear cool. Maybe because I love monochrome colors but I will still take the first picture. The rest are colorful and bright. The last one gave a milky-way vibe. You are good with these. Well done.

I’m so glad they added this feature, it makes my life so much easier.

I’m normally more of a fan of the colorful designs, but I agree that the monochrome one is my favorite out of this bunch.

The picture looking back killed me! Lol I forget what meme or something on the interwebz it was but there are buff, bearded dudes doing things that seem a little more innocent or feminine and it cracks me up.

You've got some sweet tats man, I've only got my one but won't be showing it on here most likely as that would require a picture that's not my typical style! The tat hurt like a bitch though, which is probably why I haven't gotten another one hahaha. There are some areas of the body that are sensitive as fuck! This one surprised me how sensitive it was. A good portion of it was fine but when they got to the sensitive area it was brutal. Nothing like the top of the foot I've heard though, that shit is nuts!

If you think of that meme, please show me. I may have seen it already, but don't know for sure and it sounds pretty hilarious. Is it this one?


I used to be obsessed with spending all of my money on tattoos and that enabled me to get quite a bit. I haven't gotten new ones in 5 or 6 years though. No need to at this point, until I get bored later down the road of course. They definitely hurt though, I'm not quite sure how I endured all of them. I just throw on headphones and suck it up. My gf just got her foot done and said it was the worst one so far & she has just about as much as I do.

It's great that one can do things like that oneself. He created that the best is the one of the jungle and the water as a background for me that should be the choice

I definitely love the jungle seen and it makes me want to travel somewhere tropical asap.


I choose this one..


u look most relaxed and cool!

That one is definitely a vibe that I align with.


These are so nice tattoo's bro!

Thanks my dude!

The background removal update is undoubtedly the most useful in that update patch and I love it myself. iPhone is eliminating complexities in life with every new update and that is why they are the best company in the world. They really care about customer experience more than the other brands

Some people who don't have access to Photoshop are probably even more amazed by the new iOS feature. Even somebody like me who has been cutting people out of photos for over 10 years, I'm still very happy to have this feature on my iPhone.

Very great edit and color and background is perfect match, Your tattoo is too awesome 😍 well done!

Thanks so much. Glad you thought this was cool.

good applications to get the most out of. Created what with City lights and background colors