Scriptum Meta-Veritas II: ArticPolis - A short graphic novel story drawed by my computer ( with Pixray and VQGAN ).

in Alien Art Hive2 years ago







Processing Note:

Hi Community, for these new panels, i used Pixray colab with a collection of prompts talking about some artic city in a ArtDeco architecture protected by greenhouse dome.. For this graphics i was fully using the VQGAN model with the wikiart dataset. Different notebooks are hyped nowadays with full flavor of parameters, models and dataset. The exploration are infinite and the global quality of the productions are increasing as the code is fine-tuned every day by the community.

For more technical info, I would also recommend consulting the posts shared in the Latent Space Community - a child of - the Alien Art Hive Community.

This is the second short story with an open-end, quickly composed with my latest picture creation session. It does not go that deep in the scenario, it is more an experiment to get a universe in some pages and panels without giving too much details. It is clearly inspired from some of european graphic comics that i read in some years ago. But in this series, i will keep some connected dots between those stories, like pieces of a bigger puzzle.

My previous posts are here.
Now also some periodical chirping news via

My Greetings to all the Alien Art Community for their encouragement.


The color on these is fantastic. Very smoothly put together!

Thank you Castleberry for the nice comment.