Unnamed OC II | Original Character

I decided to tread the old ground with an old original character that I did at the beginning of 2022.
It's probably my favorite piece of art I've ever created. The design concept for this piece of art, at the very beginning, was to encapsulate a being that is a kind of mistress of death, similar to the character that you find in Marvel, Mistress Death

The Ender's Servent III LQ.jpg

I liked the original design, but I really wanted to do more with the concept, redesigning some things about her. Like for instance her Svythe.


I started out with a rough layout before doing a sketch. Unfortunately, I don't have a instance of the photo where I did the block out. After doing that blockout I did the sketch that you find in the collage at number one. After that, I blocked all of that out with e a total flat gray color, so that I could clip a lay to it and then put values on top of it.

Following that, I used a Gradient Map adjustment layer. First I played around with something that had warm shadows and cool lights and then I changed my mind and decided on something more neutral on the highlights but still a little cooler.

unnamed oc collage.jpg

Following that it was just a matter of laying in a layer of color on top of everything after mid frequency rendering following the laying of the color. I followed that up with just working in the high frequency details.

Thank you for taking that little time to let me share with you.

If you'd like to see or purchase my work and support me, you can visit my socials and Print shop linked below. Otherwise, leave a thumbs up or comment.


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My logo banner collage.jpg

vtrshm circular logo footer boarder trans wht blk bg.png


  • Huion Pen Tablet (Inspiroy H430P)
  • Asus Laptop
  • Adobe PhotoShop
  • Clip Studio Paint

Awesome~ 😍😍

Thank you!!!

Gorgeous 😍😍😍

Thank you, Alexa

This turned out amazing. I love the design.


This is just perfect, she really embodies a mistress of death. Her outfit is dope too, weldone

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Awesome~ 😍😍