A sketch and an unfinished painting "Connected"

A close up of the first sketches for this unfinished painting.

As I was going through, yet again, my backlog of unfinished things (often this is in my Singularity series pieces) I found this piece. I'm not sure if I've ever shared it here, tho I know I must have shared it on Steem ages ago...I think.


The full first sketch had our lady, wondering at the odd bit of antiquity she holds aloft. After processing the joyful act of paper media (once called books) she stumbles upon an old laptop.

Is it powered by her very touch?


This study became a larger piece with more storyline in the painting. She is in the crumbling manse and even has an animal companion. I'm always giving my Singularity subjects pets left over from the 'human' days. The stoic remnants of a simpler time and the pets, drawn to the creatures who seem SO familiar yet just a bit off.


The sunlight streams in upon our lonely figure, what will she discover as the old media turns on after all these eons?

I actually did other bits of this painting, I had another dog on a sofa with a little flying contraption, that eventually became it's own painting, I think I even have that one as an NFT on Makersplace perhaps.

I think she deserves a resolution of sorts, only I'm not sure what and when. For now, she can grace the digital pages of my blog and try to amuse all of you.

I wonder what version of windows she'll encounter?

I hope you like my trip down unfinished painting memory lane. Tho I have to admit that I rather like the black and white sketch, as is and must have felt that , at least, a finished piece as I took the effort to sign it.

Do you often take these 'time travel trips' through unfinished or unrealized work? I know I've done it with writings as well, in a way they are intersting markers in time. If one were to time travel I think such things could be 'beacons' to help us hold to points to find our way back...like Breadcrumbs of pauses in time, imbued with that magic of NOW where in they can only exist in that moment, held in stasis, of indecision what to do next.

I think I've waxed poetic long enough this morning, my tea is getting cold and the fire needs another log. I hope you enjoy my little lady and her companion. May you find a moment of joy in your day and a bit of time travel in your unfinished passions.
Until next time, remember stay creative!

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Niiiice, I love this kind of crossover between different ages/styles/technologies. Besides that, it´s a beautiful drawing.

Thank you so much @patschwork

I saw the first picture and thought you'd decided to get back at it. I love this one with the butterflies. Perhaps it sparked something?

Your talent with drawing is incredible, I can barely draw a straight line let along a stick figure man :LOL

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Interesting drawing. This robotic lady from centuries past definitely caught my eye when I saw it. I love the puppy in the chair that is alert hahahahaha. Understand you, reviewing old works is like traveling back in time. Great job.

Wow, this sketch really took on a life of its own. Incredible the way you took it from black lines to a full on immersive sci-fi mood.

This one is really eccentric and beautiful! I absolutely love it. The last image is stunning. Great job and thanks for sharing it here with us! =)

I like the way you put Edwardian into the digital world. The latter needs some of that old fashion beauty.