An Autumnal walk to the docks on our shore and today's #Inktober

Here we are at day nine's inktober sketch. It is, of course, more Tea and Sea inspired. My ramble upon our shore to the docks, part of my daily walk, induced this little illustration.

Here is the lovely field I walk through prior to the beach when I take this path and the wild asters were out in their glory.

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I love the golden time of this month, wild asters, golden rod, the field and sea grass beginning to take on the umbers and bronzes.


Walking out on the dock I was decided on today's ink. I knew , of course, there'd be a seagull and a mermaid and some tea, but it wasn't until I recalled what I had in my pocket that the final character was cemented into my ideal for the day's drawing.

I always carry about in my pockets some little imitation animal. It can be a little stuffed creature, but in this case, it was a fun little board and wood goose. It's probably quite old, I think late 19thc early 20th. and came from an old box with amazing graphics in one of the old toy boxes from the ancestors in the attics. Great great so and so probably lined them up on window ledges that are far more cared for than we can manage today. In fact probably torn down to be honest.

I like this little chap as he is small and thin and slips in the pocket of my gilet and can be got out in a pinch to put under mushrooms or on moss lined rocks or, in today's case, upon weathered old dock posts, for photo ops.

It was decided the final character in today's drawing was a goose...tho I opted for a Canadian wild goose as we see here often (now flying south to warmer climbs) not adorable white Farm varieties.

And that is how we got this concotion:


Our lady mermaid resting upon the dock, sharing tea with a goose as a gull flies in , cup at the ready, for a makeshift dockside tea party.

If you'd like to Watch the walk and discovery of this, then by all means press play on the following video. I can't guarantee it's amusing but I can say the views are nice, if you can handle my prattling on about nothing.

I hope you enjoyed today's illustration and blog and maybe even my vlog, gosh so many words for so much of the same thing. Thank you again and remember
Stay creative!


"Post" covers everything ;D

I don't know why I love the swooping seagull with the teacup so much XD

I'm so glad you liked that @ryivhnn they are quick to come and take from us, gulls, so I thought it'd be nice of one showed up to a tea party bringing their own cup (tho note he didn't bring any sweeties to share) silly gulls :)

Perhaps they're inside the cup :D He can only carry so much while flying XD

That's the spirit :) @ryivhnn

Now THAT was fascinating!