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RE: Alien Art Hive Incubation 199

in Alien Art Hive8 months ago

Hey thanks for the comment!
I love how those turn out but I really don't take any credit for them since it was the AI that made it. I do think there is at least a little bit of credit to take for prompting with some good words, but that's about it.. the credit I think is for the artists' work that the AI was trained on.

For the writing, I do take the credit 😋 I like the topic a lot and have been really into it lately. I haven't uploaded any more work but will in the following days.

At the time of writing, I didn't realize that the true dangers of AI are with military AI like unmanned lethal vehicle weapons... It sure is getting out of hand and dangerous. Hope humanity can turn in a good direction before nightmares start to solidify in our world. 😊


At the time of writing, I didn't realize that the true dangers of AI are with military AI like unmanned lethal vehicle weapons... It sure is getting out of hand and dangerous. Hope humanity can turn in a good direction before nightmares start to solidify in our world.

I think that something catastrophic will happen because like children, we're going to play with this fire until we get burned. So let's hope the damage is minimal, and we come out wiser on the other end. We won't. But I hope we do. :)

I too believe so, but more of like evil adults that need spikes in their ass to learn than innocent children touching flames though hahaha Definitely we are playing with a fire that's getting out of hand. There's a reason why all those people signed that letter to halt AI development. At first I was like yeah right, whatever, but now I see a clearer picture of the issue with all these things that are being created by China or US military. Things have the potential to go very bad, and it could be too late once that happens. Hope we are not past that point already, and if we are well, like you said, hope the damage is minimal. If it's time to go, well, it was good while it lasted 🙃 Things are changing VERY fast now. We will know very soon.