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RE: Long Overdue

in Alien Art Hive5 months ago


my dad never understood the value of vacations until much later in life, because his family never was able to take them

when he was old enough to have his own family... he and my mom decided/promised (and kept that promise) to always take the vacations.... that it was needed and so very special and important.

there have been times that they actually forsook 'more important things' (according to the world) in order to take us on those vacations...

my dad realized that vacation time actually seemed to travel on a different timeline hahaha. they ended so fast .. so he started to pray with us...before every vacation...that God would "put the time stretchers" on the vacation.

and I will worked.

I dont know how the mind perceives time...I don't know how "time flies when you're having fun"... but this prayer request was answered.....and suddenly.....we were all experiencing VERY LONG, VERY FULL vacations

now that tradition has carried on!!!! hahaha

I ask for this often...and I'm granted it

it works!!! if you know Who to ask...hehehe


I had my first 'real' holiday last year, when I went to Poland for 2 weeks. In my pervious job I was just taking 'bonus' for not taking holiday days. Mostly because the way I was raise too - both my parents never took sick days or holidays, and both was working over 30 years of their lives. So sounds very similar like your story:)

My oldest brother 'broke the spell' and even though he has very demanding and responsible role at work - he is taking a vacation twice a year with his whole family. I should probably learn from this, but didn't yet have found 'my way' to spend free time properly if you know what I mean.

I am not very keen on travelling, mainly because I have been travelling a lot for a while for business and the very thought of sitting in an airport makes me nauseous.

What I enjoy the most are one or two day trips to places almost unchanged by man - overgrown forests, cliffs, rocky coastlines. So for the time being, So as for now I enjoy micro holidays from time to time:) Or maybe it's just my way of holidaying?

Stretching time.. that's my dreem:)

yes hehehe - the temptation is always .. "oh who needs a vacation- i'll just take the money and put it towards bills or investment to do more"

but no no no... we find out the sweet way after we take the vacation - how we NEED that reset so often. rest in all forms is so important! I'm so glad that you got your first real holiday eheheh

and yep - the parents - same mentality - same culture hahahaha

and it doesn't even matter how long the vacation is at times - just take smaller ones more often if you can - and relax! :) no airports needed hehehehe

you know what? i actually like airport travel though hehehe i only dont' like when i have to go to the bathroom on the airplane! hahahaha oh - and i guess my legs getting stiff if its a long flight too hehehe

but i love traveling all over the world!!!

but i also love day trips too - but then they are over so short -

I would use time stretcher, that's for sure. Was wondering if I need time shortener from time to time too - and probably I would use it too :D How about you?

I don't mine 2-3 hours on the plane, but 11-12 - not such a great fun. I've learn how to handled jet lag and all, but it is time cut off(air-travel) from my life. I cannot really sleep during flight (even long one),always get a long-lasting headache, so not much fun for me. Not to mention crowd :D What was your longest light?

hmmmm you know - i do want this time shortener.... but... i wonder if i need all that time to be fully prepared for what comes next???

i want the shortcut - but is it best for me???? i dont think i like the answer because I'm impatient hahahahahaa

so yes - i do want them.
but i think we aren't supposed to have them LOLOL

time-stretchers are granted though LOLOLOL

my longest plane ride was 12 hours i think...
Moscow - 11
Fiji - 11 or 12??
UK - 10

but my longest ever will be this December when we do the dreem meet up hehehe

To avoid visa issues for some countries - I am flying farther - so they can get easier visas! I'm excited!!!

A woman that I knew a long time ago was from this place...(can't say where it is - since i'm on blockchain heheh but i think i already told you hehe) but before meeting her? I had never heard of this place at all! So - i'm excited to see what it is like!!! plans need to start being made soon... because I found a place i liked - and already the date is taken!!! so that means it is now the time where people are booking for this location for December 2024???


and there are not so many places that can have 7-8 bedrooms! so.... yeah... hopefully plans are made for us all soon hehehehe

i will be able to relax then LOL

I can be patient, but not by nature, just years of practise:)

11,5 hours the longest, and once there was an issue on the airport and we had to land elsewhere, so it was total 12,5 Fun:D

I am glad that you guys have a date, and something to look forward too, I am sure it will be great!