Blue Meanie

Blue Meanie.jpg
Blue Meanie, Acrylic on Paper, 2018

One of my first summer paintings in 2018 while out in NM. I’m not really sure what is going on here. One day if I am famous, someone will analyze this and find some hidden meaning.

I just think I was bored and wanted to try a different style. That and I thought my son made a cute model.

Not that he really looks annnnnything like this.

Although one day maybe his arms will be that beefy.

I’m posting every painting I have ever done from 2014 to the present, the good, the bad, and the ugly. With an occasional photograph or sketch thrown in just to mix things up. Check back daily to see my progression as an “artist”!
#everypaintingihaveeverdone #everypainting

You can find me on Publish0x as Driptorchstudio, click the banner below to visit!