Nude Study 1

Nude Study 2.jpg

Nude Study 1, Acrylic on Paper, 2017

The most irritating thing about 2017’s paintings is that I am not quite sure what order I painted everything in. I scanned everything at the end of the year so it’s all in one big folder.

I think this is one of my better figure studies. The shapes and shading look close to the real thing. What do you think?

I’m posting every painting I have ever done from 2014 to the present, the good, the bad, and the ugly. With an occasional photograph or sketch thrown in just to mix things up. Check back daily to see my progression as an “artist”!
#everypaintingihaveeverdone #everypainting

You can find me on Publish0x as Driptorchstudio, click the banner below to visit!