Ithaqa Comic Issue 5 Inks Page 8

in Alien Art Hivelast year


The plot thickens! The book is communicating with Margaret and Hazel. We're adding more pictures into those papers in the last panel. It took me until the inks stage to notice that those were blank, but I caught it in time so by the time we get to colors, Hazel's room will continue to be more fleshed out and feel like a lived in space.

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Theresa Chiechi's (The Artist @la-fumettista) website is here:

Lucas Gattoni's (The Letterer/Logo Designer) website is here:



Hey my eldritch friend! Glad to see you are up and going with that grimoire of forbidden knowledge and non-eucledian shapes. I have pledged for the signed copies in Kickstarter, so start signing mister!

I really can't wait for these comics; haven't enjoyed anything Lovecraftian of late, and my hopes are high for ITHAQA.

Good to hear from you! The signing has started haha. It really means a lot to hear that you're highly anticipating these issues.

The first 3 issues were the slow burn of a typical Lovecraft story, but in issue 4 and beyond the spooky beneath the surface really comes to the forefront. In issue 4 we go full cosmic, and then in issue 5 we really lean into the creature feature.
