
in Alien Art Hive11 months ago

Archelia, kneeling in reverence, of the awesome power that surrounds her.


Genesis 8 Female.JPG
Started with a Genesis 8 Female Template.

Reverence 8.JPG
Added an ancient chamber environment.

Reverence 7.JPG
Added the completed model, after I morphed the body, added makeup, added hair, changed her position, facial expression, and added clothes. Added a point light to illuminate her face.

Reverence 6.JPG
Added a directed light so you can see more of the ground and chamber.

Reverence 5.JPG
Added a portal fire around her.

Reverence 2.1.jpg
Added fire in the background and then rendered.

Reverence 4.jpg
Increase the intensity of light so you can see more of her body and face…then rendered again.

Tools and assets used:

Daz3D Studio, Iray and Photoshop
Genesis 8 Female Template
DS Hair
WK05 Clothes
HDRI and Daz3D Lighting
tr1Ground Environment and Portal Walls

In Summary:

  • I start out with a model template and morph the body physically.
  • I put the body into a position, change facial expressions, add makeup, dress the model, add skin texture, props, etc…
  • I either can embed the character into the background or wrap the environment around the character, then add lighting and camera settings, like depth of field.
  • Rendering times can take 1 to 2 hours per render.

Stay frosty people.


Fun and concise -- absolutely on point! ❤👌 really good tutorial.