100 Shroomob!!

in Alien Art Hive3 years ago

The first hundred pioneers to land on Earth!

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Help them find a place to live and spread their spores!

They come from The planet Fungai, is a beautiful and wild land, full of mysterious creatures, where fungi and mushrooms are the most advanced and complex beings, like humans on Earth.
Shmobs fell in love with Earth from their first contact, and after millions of years they are still very fond of it. From time to time they used to drop by, to enjoy nature and the creatures that live in it, and also to keep in touch with the Shmob colonies that stayed behind from the previous missions. At the beginning the missions were mostly just for holiday purposes, but then, around 3 million years ago one of the Earth's species started creating and using tools, just like Shroomobs did at the beginning of their time, and this fascinated the Shmobs! Since then, Shmobs have been interfering with human lives, sometimes out of curiosity and sometimes just to help them out. Shmobs even came up with a name for these smart and funny looking giants, they called them Handikuda, which means “ginormous walking talking meat sticks” in Shmob language.
The interest in Handikudas increased the number of missions, and are now also joined by scientists and other Handikuda lovers.

If you whant to know more about them check this out:

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I really like this idea! You can never go wrong with shrooms... =)

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