gooze cross-posted this post in Alien Art Hive 14 days ago

Female forest healer - Fanart [Brush pen artwork]

in Holozing Community14 days ago

Hello community, the drawing that I bring you today is a version of the healers of the forest in its female version made with a brush pen, green marker and mechanical pencil for the sketch and certain details, this drawing had originally been intended as a version of cyberpunk style, but then I decided to make it a little more natural because I didn't feel very confident with the sketch I had made for that robotic style and I left her as a normal character, without any robotic modification, but I don't rule out doing it in the next few days, I hope you like it.

Hola comunidad, el dibujo que hoy les traigo es una version de la sanadores del bosque en su version femenina hecho con boligrafo de brocha, marcador de color verde y portaminas para el boceto y ciertos detalles, este dibujo habia sido pensado originalmente como una version al estilo de cyberpunk, pero luego decidi hacerlo un poco mas natural porque no me sentia muy seguro con el boceto que habia hecho para ese estilo robotico y lo deje como un personaje normal, sin ninguna modificacion robotica, pero no descarto hacerlo en los proximos dias, espero les guste.










