Fanart of Angelic Mandarin

in Alien Art Hive29 days ago

Ah, I'm always so confused, I mix things up. A few days ago I was making art of Mardali Guardian and after completing half of it I realized I needed to get someone's feedback. Feedback helps a lot in improving the overall look of the art. Well the feedback I got was not that good and I stopped working on the art and moved on to another character.

I sketched in pencil and it looked fine but when I took it to ibis to add the colors it messed up. Its head appears larger than other parts of his body. But that's ok, I'll fix it next week.

After getting frustrated I did a bit of research on other characters and found Angelic Mandarin. A mandarinfish with healing powers, don't I need it? Oh yes I need the magic of Angelic Mandarin to heal my heart that has been injured after spending 2 hours on an art that is not good enough to show.
So I decided to make a fan of "Angelic Mandarin".


I started with making outline of the character, well I'm not so good at making outlines. And as per my personal experience we can fix messy outlines with the shadding of colours, and the end results looks cool.

Then I added colors same as the reference image and finised the final look of character.

For background, I choosed a blury enterence, as it's a sea creature so a touch of water life will be a perfect background.

And this is the final result of the fanart of Angelic Mandarin.


Thank god you change your opinion. The first one was ridiculous. But the last one amazing.

Really beautiful work... Good luck for the contest.

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