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RE: Mind-lattice of the infinite genome

in Alien Art Hive4 years ago

The images are wonderful, sends one into a spiral thought. The written piece with it is mind boggling to the core, for the beauty of art dabbling into science and the endless marvel of human kind. This is beauty Dan wow.


Thanks @josediccus :-) Have you every played around with ? It's worth a try if you haven't! Here's a video that explains it fairly quickly and it's easy to get a grasp on.

I'd recommend uploading a front-facing portrait of yourself and exploring... it just may open the mind up to many unforseen possibilities..!

Wow, I've never seen anything like it, is it possible for me to create images of my own and use them for my pieces?

Definitely. It's something easy to learn and you basically will pursue avenues of variations that appeal to you — bound to end up with something your really like eventually. Plus, you can look at "trending" images and make "children" out of them, too. (talking about artbreeder.

I had to combine them to make these collages manually in an image-editing program, and then I fed them into a different neural network called that produced the distortions you see on the top and bottom images.

However, all the plain portraits, though, are from the free-to-use version of Artbreeder itself :-)