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RE: Building in Voxels: Beginner Tutorial

in Alien Art Hive3 months ago

I purchased this land so that is the main way to be able to build a gallery, you have to buy land to build like the real world LOL. There is a possibility to create a free space to build in, it's alone and not connected to the main world but I think they are phasing this out so I'm not sure if the build would disappear at some point. To do this log in to voxels and click create:

Screen Shot 2024-03-05 at 2.10.29 PM.png

The last way is to be an artist that has minted on @nftshowroom, we have a community gallery that we rotate for our artists, there is currently a bit of a waiting list!


Thanks for your reply!

Going to be a while before I can afford something like that. Where do you buy the land from? Hive Engine? I'm not familiar with the pictured web interface, are you able to provide a link so I can have a look myself?

I searched for voxels and found this post from four years ago, is this the same as what you're using?

I'm just very curious 😅

Edit: Nevermind! I found my way. Pretty simple really: 🤣 oh dear

 3 months ago  

Yes it and it runs on ETH 👍 I double checked and the free spaces will continue to be available but some features will be more limited so you can try for free! We do sort of have a HIVE Metaverse project but it requires being technically inclined to use and it was a bit over my head, created by dlux but unfortunately I have no tutorials or resources to point you to on that one. Also I see you are pretty new so welcome to hive 🎉

I'll need to take a closer look at for the free options, and have a squiz at that dlux project. Might be a bit over my head too but worth a check. Thank you very much for the warm welcome!