Splinterlands Art Contest Week 271! Talia Firestorm Humanoid Version fanart

in Alien Art Hive7 months ago


hi there Splinter lands and Hivers today I am going to share my recent artwork and also serves as an entry to 271st week of Splinterlands Art Contest! I chose TALIA FIRESTORM as my subject for this particular art! Tho I put some twist with it and made her more like a human girl animeish kinda version.I tried to make her a lil bit cuter that you might whisper kawaii lol. Anyway it seems like Christmas is coming soon and I didn't grind enough to improve my skills this year with a lot of works and trying to survive with anxiety and depression, hoping for a better run next year or until the year ends, with that let me share the drawing process to you guys!

Drawing Process

Drawing Reference: https://next.splinterlands.com/card-detail/70/regular/1/?tab=lore


Materials Used: XP Pen Artist 12, Photoshop CC 2018 version on windows 11!

Actually I started watching tutorials and tips just yesterday about how to improve or what are the common mistakes specifically on creating a better lineart and most of the tips pointed out that you should draw the lineart in a different color so that when you added another layer you won't mess up the clean lineart and got confused after removing the draft your lineart looks terrible. And with that I chose a blue color.

Next is a adding another layer to that to create a lineart, but before that you should lower the opacity as much as possible so you could create a cleaner lineart. The draft should just serve your idea or basis of what you envisioned to draw do not trace it and that is my common mistakes in all of my previous artwork this year, I really should grind watching tutorials now tho sometimes its a bit overloading to my braincells 😅.

-Adding shades of black or thickening other lineart parts tho I might need to change it a bit on my next art.

  • to avoid confusion add a solid background color before painting, usually it is harder to color the subject if you don't put a darker background.
  • Just finished coloring the skin and the hair

  • Finished coloring the base color of the subject

  • actually forgot to draw the wing of talia so I painted it just now
  • Adding shades or shadows to some areas


  • Now touchingup highlights to some areas

  • Adding some details

  • Adding background effects using different brushes in photoshop

With that thanks to all your support guys!


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How cool, I am impressed by this work!💞💥