Cosmic Creations - Edition #1 [Spaceships and Alien Transportation] | Alien Art Hive Community Contest


Hello all Alien Art Hive Community members. I was excited to learn that AAH is now having community contests. Since this is the first one, I'm happy to participate and bring my version of alien spaceships and transportation. My approach to the contest was that of a criminal alien. With his spacecraft, the alien leader entered protected airspace. To him, it was business as usual. He sought to destroy. Will he be able to flee without being detected?

This week's theme: Spaceships and Alien Transportation

  • Create art related to the above theme
  • Make a post about it in Alien Art Hive
  • Include the words Cosmic Creations in the title so they are easy to identify in the feed
  • Please try to include some process images and discuss the techniques used in your creation
  • Drop a link to your entry post the comments below
  • The deadline is June 19th Midnight EST
  • To participate, visit the contest post: Announcing community contests! Edition #1 of Cosmic Creations is LIVE

My short story accompanying my themed-project is below:


The dark, ominous sky took shape in the armored vehicle's periscope. The thunderstorm hurled angry insults as it unleashed its own heavy artillery upon the tank.

An alarm glared as deafening combinations of thunder, flashes of blinding light, and hail in boulder-sized chunks attacked the vehicle simultaneously.

A large hole penetrated the hull causing the tank to sway sideways. Smoke quickly spread. Adrenaline rushed through Max's veins as he hurriedly fastened his goggles and adjusted his mask.

He opened the commander's hatch and carefully slid down the tank's right side. Crouching at the rear of the vehicle, he realized the thunderstorm was not the culprit. An explosion caused the hull damage. Luckily, the tank was only partially damaged.

In the distance, billowing black smoke rose high as pockets of fire flared up. On the other side of the ridge, sounds resembling an explosion could be heard as vibrations knocked him backward.

Looking up, blood drained from Max's face as he spotted the tail of a small spacecraft, smooth-coated, multicolored, mostly blue. Its semi-circular disk design was a older model suggesting one produced in the latter part of of the 22nd century. It was definitely not designed for speed. However, with modifications, the transformation can be deadly.

Four blue streaks on the spaceship's tail is part of the power source. The second power source container is designated for accelerated speed. This device is attached to the underbelly of the ship. Its panels, with cross sections for the exhaust system, turns a purple hue. The ship can inflict damage if repurposed with a military grade weapons system.

In the black landscaped galaxy, he could see the familiar odd shape of a ladies' fan.


"Damn it. Not him!" Max cursed loudly.

Odd indeed, he thought, as a transportation design for a ruthless marauder known as Krudd. It looked more like a galaxy pleasure cruise ship. However, one never knows the twisted and perverted mind of for-hire individuals. Perhaps he possessed another side. If so, Max wasn't interested in delving into it.

Light glowed brightly as blue flames shot rapidly from the end of the ship. Krudd's face flashed momentarily before the craft accelerated and faded into the planet's atmosphere.

Krudd of the Nennodyan race. Mercenaries for hire. Max's sworn enemy. He seethed as Krudd's cruel, sarcastic face, softened only by the blade gifted to him by his friend, came into focus. The weapon saved his life on the occasion of his encounter with the alien.


If only he could retrieve the blade. He would finish what he swore five years ago. Suffice it to remember his enemy bearing a souvenir beginning at the top of his head ending at the nose, barely missing his eye.

Max whipped out his radio. "SCF...Mayday, Mayday! This is Max Branstock of the Ground Reinforcement Division. We're under attack! Our armored vehicle has taken a hit! Driver dead. Operator wounded!"

He waited a few moments. "The perpetrator has left the planet's surface. Our equipment is damaged. Can't track him. Request air assistance."

Max prayed his long-time friend Bader, Captain of the Spaceship Octogon assigned to patrol the Octogon System, was nearby and could intercept Krudd.

But what did a mercenary want in an outpost, barely settled, on the Octogon IV Planet?

His thoughts turned to the peaceful colony. New to the planet, the settlers had only arrived several months ago. The outpost was created opposite the smaller mountain range on more level terrain.

The settlers were lucky this time. Or were they?

A spasm of worry crossed his face. But first he needed to render aid to the armored tank's operator. Ensuring he could hold on until assistance arrived, Max began to run the mile to the edge of the ridge. He hid peering through large holes in the boulders.

He watched in numbed horror as the settlement was completely destroyed. Glass abodes shred into a millions shards. Spread across the landscape like a jigsaw puzzle, bodies were mingled with the sand.

Max carefully descended from the cliff. Standing at the edge of the outpost, his knees weakened. He dropped to the ground.

The cosmic thundercloud would have minimized a portion of the damage. But nothing could have prevented the massacre of five hundred unarmed settlers by a spacecraft's weapons. Now he had proof Krudd's ship had been enhanced.

Max vehemently wished for and contributed his vote to outlaw the proposal allowing interplanetary tactical weaponry for non-military operations.

He had to try once more to reach the Spaceship Octogon and Captain Bader.

"Space Coalition Fleet, DO YOU READ?!" Max choked back tears and waited for a response.


The communications officer of the Spaceship Octogon swirled around in his seat. "Captain Bader, the Ground Reinforcement Division on Octogon IV."

Max transmitted the crime scene damage. Once communication was established, the image was broadcast to the ship's screen.

Authorization from the Space Coalition Fleet to pursue and engage Krudd had been received.

Captain Bader ordered a wide-span search of the area from coordinates last reported by Max Branstock.

"Ready the thrusters. On my countdown. We should overtake him in ten minutes."

However, the Spaceship Octogon was farther away from the planet. The ship failed to detect the enhanced power of Krudd's vessel.

Captain Bader was aware of Krudd and others operating in the galaxy with the same unethical tactics. Bader realized to late that Krudd also had equipped his ship with evasive devices purchased illegally off-market.

"Sir, Krudd is live and broadcasting," the communications officer confirmed.

The encounter lasted only a few moments. Astonished, the crew of the Octogon stood on deck watching a sardonic smile. Two large, pear-shaped sunken receptacles that resembled eye sockets stared back at them. His dark grey skin appeared thin and weak. But the crew knew this was deceptive. Underneath, a hard core of scales protected the outer layer.

Krudd looked directly into Captain Bader's eyes. Hatred was evident. Krudd's face looked lifeless, but his eyes were blazing. The long scar Max described to Bader pulsated as if formulating ways to retaliate against the person who gifted the blade that eventually inflicted the mark.

Suddenly, Krudd's face faded, and his ship went blue.

Captain order two torpedoes launched, one streaking by each side of Krudd's ship, glowing yellow, barely missing it.

The helmsman Krudd's position. "Sir, he's close to his galaxy. We can't follow once he enters.

"Don't worry. He slays, then retreats. But he'll be back. He's been paid too handsomely to abandon his mission, whatever it may be."

Captain Bader's thoughts turned to his friend, Max, who had just witnessed the massacre of innocent settlers on the planet's surface.

He would wait before reporting to Max that Krudd escaped.

[to be cont'd]


For this week's theme involving spaceships and alien transportation, I decided to create an alien ship from my pure fractals. The background and space imagery were also created from fractals.

The highlight of this week's theme for the spaceship is one of my pure fractals. To me, the fractal actually resembles an alien spacecraft. With its fan shape, it looks rather like a pleasure ship. The four blue streaks on the spaceship's tail is part of its power source.



Another pure fractal that rendered beautifully served as the other part of the power source. It is the accelerated speed power container. This device was attached to the underbelly of the ship. Another pure fractal that looked amazing served as this device:



Next is the background scene of my project. Another pure fractal, this one, created in the advanced version of Apophysis, provided a perfect view of the galaxy.



To complete the galaxy intact with a star system, I created other pure fractals that I felt contributed to a life-like universe setting.

This first fractal served as the gateway to the star system from which the alien enter and then returned.


This third fractal serves to represent other objects in the galaxy. Several different shapes appeared in this fractal.


My fifth fractal served as the perfect weapon blasted from the spaceship.


My seventh fractal served as eyes for the alien.

My second fractal served as the mass surrounding the gateway to the alien's home. I felt the image worked well as the clouds behind the gateway.


This fourth fractal served as objects behind the gateway. These were fillers to resemble another world once the alien traveled through.


My sixth fractal served as a headpiece for the alien.
Square Tile-AlienHeaddress.png


The final image is a free-sourced photo mask from LMAC Image Library ("LIL") that served as the face of the alien, Krudd.

Source - Contributed to the #LIL by @mballesteros)



Once all images were created and the free photo located, I uploaded all into Canva. This design program allows me access to tools and features under my Annual Pro Membership Subscription.

I began with the background of my scene.



I added the spaceship and its alien owner.



Next came the design of the galaxy and the alien's home.



Finally, I added the remaining items, including the torpedoes from the spaceship chasing the alien.



This is the completed spaceship and scene for my project in Contest #1 of Cosmic Creations.



Thanks for taking the time to view my post. I hope you like my fractal art project created for Alien Art Hive's Contest #1.


Good luck everyone with whatever your endeavors.


a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09.

1 What is Stable Diffusion? StarryAI.Com. Online at:


English is my native language.
If translation included, I use DeepL to assist my readers.
Thanks for your patience an understanding

El inglés es mi lengua materna.
Si se incluye traducción, utilizo DeepL para ayudar a mis lectores.
Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión.



Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 159 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Hey @justclickindiva, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on HIVE .

NIce and amazing art, do you think alien exists?

 last year  

Very cool spaceship, thank you for entering!

The arts are so amazing and I love the illuminations of the light...

Hello @justclickindiva, excellent participation, this community has always caught my attention, the artists are very creative, I hope I can find the time to participate in this contest. I am delighted that one of my images has helped you! Good luck! 👍

Oh, please do participate. Due date is the 19th.

This is GORGEOUS -- great story as well!